For the third box of t-shirts, it's becoming clear that the Dirichlet prior isn't really adequate to come up with the best orders. From a state like this:
Note how the Dirichlet prior is resulting in requests to buy more L, XL, and 2XL women's shirts even though in all cases I already have >=2x as many of each size as has ever been requested. This seems clearly to be waste: the problem is that the model can't use the knowledge that women are generally under-represented to reduce the expected number of orders for any given women's size.
Instead, we want to estimate a hierarchical structure, pooling knowledge of the gender ratio of orders to improve the posterior frequencies of a given gendered size. This would require upgrading from trivial closed-form Dirichlet math to (likely PyMC3) MCMC methods for the hierarchical likelihood.
For the third box of t-shirts, it's becoming clear that the Dirichlet prior isn't really adequate to come up with the best orders. From a state like this:
We're getting an order like this:
Note how the Dirichlet prior is resulting in requests to buy more L, XL, and 2XL women's shirts even though in all cases I already have >=2x as many of each size as has ever been requested. This seems clearly to be waste: the problem is that the model can't use the knowledge that women are generally under-represented to reduce the expected number of orders for any given women's size.
Instead, we want to estimate a hierarchical structure, pooling knowledge of the gender ratio of orders to improve the posterior frequencies of a given gendered size. This would require upgrading from trivial closed-form Dirichlet math to (likely PyMC3) MCMC methods for the hierarchical likelihood.