ramapcsx2 / gbs-control

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Gamma issues #360

Open MarkJ1969 opened 1 year ago

MarkJ1969 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have just completed this build and I have a really annoying issue that I cannot seem to fix. If I leave autogamma on, I get crazy dropouts on light backgrounds etc, but if I manually reduce the game to remove them it dulls the image so it looks almost flat. Does anyone have any ideas if it's a clamping issue with a capacitor or resistor anywhere.

It does it on both my Snes (using luma sync) and also on my megadrive (dont get me started on that! When that's running, I can hardly ever access the webpage settings!) Please see screenshot of display from Snes.(excuse quality as taken from my projector screen and anything other than night time, it looks washed out (issues described above are also when used on LCD tv)) Many thanks in advance.


MarkJ1969 commented 1 year ago

Ok, well I think it's to do with my vga/hdmi converter as I put my vga cable direct as to check an issue with the megadrive blanking out every now and again, and not only did the vga cable make the megadrive solid, I also noticed without at first realising that the game sparkles had also gone! Quick boot of the snes and same there too! So looks like the hdmi converter is crap! Ah well, vga it is then from now on!

MarkJ1969 commented 1 year ago

Reopened this as what I though had fixed the issue hasn't. Just switched it on again today and the speckles are still showing on the vga cable which I dont understand as when I initially swapped over, it was fine and not changed any settings since.

Any suggestions would be welcome.