ramapcsx2 / gbs-control

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Saving fixed resolution as custom preset, then loading, offsets 480p inputs downwards #401

Closed nyanpasu64 closed 1 year ago

nyanpasu64 commented 1 year ago

I have a GBS-C hooked up to a 480p component video source (Wii), and outputting a VGA RGBHV image.

When I click "480p 576p" (fixed resolution), then a custom preset slot, then "save preset" and "load preset" (which should load the exact 480p fixed resolution as a custom preset), the image is shifted downwards by exactly 6 scanlines (in 960p output).

(The same thing happens if I skip "load preset", and instead power-cycle the GBS-C or (I think) switch the Wii to 240p/480i, which automatically load the preset.)


I'm running a GBS-Control with debug pin and clock generator, receiving video from a component 480p Wii, and sending video to a VGA CRT (Gateway VX720). My CRT is currently calibrated so the image is properly sized and centered when I click the "480p 576p" fixed resolution button.

When I click a fixed resolution, then "Get Video Timings", I see:

HT / scale   : 2568 512
HS ST/SP     : 180 12
HB ST/SP(d)  : 2488 508
HB ST/SP     : 2402 394
VT / scale   : 525 1023
VS ST/SP     : 4 0
VB ST/SP(d)  : 520 32
VB ST/SP     : 22 24
IF VB ST/SP  : 4 6
CsVT         : 524
CsVS_ST/SP   : 16 13

When I save and load this resolution (which should be a no-op), then CsVS_ST/SP changes:

HT / scale   : 2568 512
HS ST/SP     : 180 12
HB ST/SP(d)  : 2488 508
HB ST/SP     : 2402 394
VT / scale   : 525 1023
VS ST/SP     : 4 0
VB ST/SP(d)  : 520 32
VB ST/SP     : 22 24
IF VB ST/SP  : 4 6
CsVT         : 524
CsVS_ST/SP   : 4 1

I can use "Picture Control" to shift the image back up to being centered vertically. But this doesn't restore CsVS_ST/SP, but instead changes IF VB ST/SP as well:

HT / scale   : 2568 512
HS ST/SP     : 180 12
HB ST/SP(d)  : 2488 508
HB ST/SP     : 2402 394
VT / scale   : 525 1023
VS ST/SP     : 4 0
VB ST/SP(d)  : 520 32
VB ST/SP     : 22 24
IF VB ST/SP  : 18 20
CsVT         : 524
CsVS_ST/SP   : 4 1

I think that it's a bug that GBS-C writes different video registers and offsets the image vertically, if you load a fixed resolution vs. if you load the same resolution saved as a custom preset.


I'm assuming that the differently written CsVS_ST/SP is the problem, which is plausible since these registers control vertical syncing. I looked in the code to see what accesses these registers. It appears the CsVS_ST/SP printout comes from getCsVsStart() and getCsVsStop(), which get the value from SP_SDCS_VSST_REG_L (_H is zero) and SP_SDCS_VSSP_REG_* (_H is zero).

Who sets SP_SDCS_VS{ST,SP}_REG_Lto 16/13 or 4/1? Do they come from writeProgramArrayNew, setCsVsStart/setCsVsStop, or some other function?

My best guess is in doPostPresetLoadSteps:

doPostPresetLoadSteps {
    prepareSyncProcessor() {
    if (!isCustomPreset) {
        if (rto->videoStandardInput == 3 && rto->presetID != 0x06) { // ED YUV 60

So apparently GBS-C writes different register contents based on whether you're loading a fixed resolution or custom preset? Is this intentional or not?

Honestly the entire fixed/custom resolution system seems confusing and questionably designed to me. Unfortunately, GBS-C and the TV5727 chip have an immense amount of complexity and functionality (much of which I can't test, like PAL or RGB inputs), to the point I don't know how the converter handles (and should handle) all cases by setting up registers, or how to correctly fix the program.

As a first step, I'd change presetPreference and presetID to enum [class] Name : uint8_t, but this is a good deal of work, it's easy to accidentally replace numbers with the wrong enum value name (there ought to be a compiler plugin to automate this), and it doesn't single-handedly explain the program's functioning.


Honestly the entire fixed/custom resolution system seems confusing and questionably designed to me

Apparently the GBS-C remembers if you last clicked a fixed resolution or custom preset, and uses that when switching inputs or rebooting. But clicking a fixed resolution takes effect immediately, whereas clicking a custom preset does nothing until you load, switch input formats, or reboot. And if you click a custom preset followed by a fixed resolution, the custom preset choice has no effect to the video before or after power-cycling (the fixed resolution overrides the preset altogether), except for controlling the browser's highlighted preset, what the "load/save preset" buttons do, and fixing the "Settings tab grayed out" bug, unless I missed some hidden functionality.

Running latest GBS-C master 96e67732af167fe25966bace8557bd19cf562300. The bug was discovered on my local firmware fork (https://github.com/nyanpasu64/gbs-control), and persists across wiping the entire flash (erasing custom preset data and names, and the connected Wi-Fi network) and checkout/build/flashing stock firmware.

nyanpasu64 commented 1 year ago
void setCsVsStart(uint16_t start)
    GBS::SP_SDCS_VSST_REG_H::write(start >> 8);
    GBS::SP_SDCS_VSST_REG_L::write(start & 0xff);

void setCsVsStop(uint16_t stop)
    GBS::SP_SDCS_VSSP_REG_H::write(stop >> 8);
    GBS::SP_SDCS_VSSP_REG_L::write(stop & 0xff);

Why aren't these registers properly saved and restored by the preset binary system? Will have to investigate.

nyanpasu64 commented 1 year ago
    prepareSyncProcessor(); // todo: handle modes 14 and 15 better, now that they support scaling
        GBS::SP_SDCS_VSSP_REG_L::write(1); // 5_40 // was 11
    if (!rto->isCustomPreset) {
        ... setCsVsStop(13);
            GBS::SP_SDCS_VSSP_REG_L::write(stop & 0xff);

The problem is, every time we load a preset, we call prepareSyncProcessor() to reset SP_SDCS_VSSP_REG_L, then every time we load a fixed resolution, we call setCsVsStop (technically twice, the second call overrides the first) based on the input resolution.

The fix is for either prepareSyncProcessor() to not reset SP_SDCS_VSSP_REG_L etc. when loading a custom preset, or to call setCsVsStop even when loading a custom preset.

I don't know if it's safe to skip prepareSyncProcessor() altogether when loading a custom preset, or if we need to add a bool regsInitialized to prepareSyncProcessor() as well as setOutModeHdBypass().

I'd imagine it's not safe to remove the if (!rto->isCustomPreset) { condition altogether, but I don't know which code is safe to move out of that block. Or maybe we shouldn't do this at all, and we should be overwriting SP_SDCS_VSSP_REG_L zero times when loading custom presets, not twice.

nyanpasu64 commented 1 year ago

Who currently calls prepareSyncProcessor?

Who currently calls setCsVsStop?

When loading a fixed resolution, or when the input switches NTSC/PAL/EDTV resolutions, void doPostPresetLoadSteps() -> prepareSyncProcessor is followed by 0-2 void doPostPresetLoadSteps() -> setCsVsStop calls depending on input resolution. (Neither prepareSyncProcessor nor setCsVsStop is called when switching between 240p and 480i.)

When the console powers off and the GBS-C gives up watching input resolution, void goLowPowerWithInputDetection() -> prepareSyncProcessor is called.

At this point, we could either make loading a saved preset more like a fixed resolution, by calling both void doPostPresetLoadSteps() -> prepareSyncProcessor and void doPostPresetLoadSteps() -> setCsVsStop. Or we could make it preserve the saved settings, by not calling prepareSyncProcessor or by making it skip initializing SP_SDCS_VSSP_REG_L etc.

(done) Don't prepareSyncProcessor when loading save?

I've set up a build which only calls prepareSyncProcessor if !isCustomPreset. The result can successfully load 480p and 960p saved presets, at the right vertical position and with no ill effects observed (in light testing). I've tested loading different output resolution presets, starting from the same fixed resolution, the same custom preset, a different output resolution, different input resolution, a cold boot, or resetting the ESP8266 after selecting (but not applying) a different custom preset. (Not all combinations, but at least one saved preset for each starting point).

(I think a good change to code should leave the code looking like it was designed that way from the beginning, but this isn't possible when requirements change, adjusting the code optimally would require months of rearchitecting, and any practical fix leaves behind tech debt.)

But at this point I'm concerned that #438 also moves isCustomPreset to rto->isCustomPreset, so I should ideally merge that PR before making a PR for this bug (and if I start programming a fix locally first, I'll have to rewrite it once I rebase on that PR).

(deferred) Call setCsVsStop when loading save?

This will "fix" existing saved presets which have already been loaded and saved, "committing" the incorrect SP_SDCS_VSSP_REG_L to flash. But it will also unconditionally change the meaning of existing presets (whereas not calling prepareSyncProcessor will only change the meaning of existing presets which haven't been loaded incorrectly and resaved). I'm not sure skipping prepareSyncProcessor (resulting in inconsistent behavior) is a better user experience.

Is this even easy to implement? setCsVsStop is stuck in the middle of complex branched logic which only runs on fixed resolutions. It would be difficult to run one statement in the middle of branching logic, but only if (rto->presetID != 0x06 && rto->presetID != 0x16), while skipping the other statements leading up to this statement.

But why do we even need to write these registers rather than storing their values in the fixed preset? Is it because each input resolution needs a different initial config, applied when resetting state but not applying saved state?

Architecting code to prevent bugs by design

Rather than sequentially mutating registers, I'd kinda prefer "declarative code" that takes a register map separate from the hardware chip, edits it to shape given the current input resolution, then returns it by value to a single function which applies it in a single go. Then separately you add code which juggles the chip registers required to "apply" the new configuration (eg. latchPLLAD()). This produces a natural separation between code to generate a clean-slate preset for a fixed input and output resolution, and code to apply this configuration on an input signal.

Semi related: Functional programming in C++, with an emphasis on "by value" semantics rather than generic abstraction. I don't know if the code can be improved by inlining more functions, or if you've reached the limits of this technique.

I do find that a lot of GBS-C's complexity and difficulty lies in properly configuring hardware registers filled with implementation details, with both hardware and software trying to satisfy a combinatorial explosion of possible use cases resulting in unclear behavior. For example, I've tried to produce full-width 480p output matching standardized DMT hactive period, but horizontal downscaling causes aliasing in 640px-wide input, and properly reconfiguring the input sampling htotal has eluded me so far. Improving architecture is more likely to prevent bugs in state management, business logic, and corner cases (including software race conditions, but I am under no illusions that I can fix hardware race conditions in ASICs I don't even understand).