ramapcsx2 / gbs-control

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Clockgen question #457

Closed alucryd closed 1 year ago

alucryd commented 1 year ago

I got a prebuilt gbs control from aliexpress, because I wanted an additional composite input as fallback for when I can't go the component way.

However the clockgen is not installed like your documentation suggests, and sure enough my TV loses sync every other second when I try to activate it. CLK0 is connected to the correct pin to the correct chip, SCL and SDA as well. However instead of using C48, they used an additional wire connecting GND to a pin of the same chip SCL and SDA are connected to, and there is also a wire coming from C14 that seems to go to VIN on the clockgen. I say seems because on the unit I got, it is hanging in the air... Is it safe to reconnect it to VIN? Have you seen this configuration before?

A few pics: image image

israpps commented 1 year ago

where is the esp8266?

alucryd commented 1 year ago

It's on a secondary board, they used quick release connectors to assemble everything, here's the one I purchased: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005005477690882.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.75.7f661a75PwEkP7&algo_pvid=0af181bf-a46a-4dfa-b7e0-a0d0b180ee39&algo_exp_id=0af181bf-a46a-4dfa-b7e0-a0d0b180ee39-37&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21EUR%21140.7%2199.9%21%21%21%21%21%40212279a216826070881678992d07dc%2112000033261394288%21sea%21FR%212762705032&curPageLogUid=ZFC1Q2v0zoxk

MFreudenthaler commented 1 year ago


i had the same Problem. Solution was to use a other clock gen because my clock gen was damged and do not work correctly

alucryd commented 1 year ago

Ended up soldering that wire back, and it seems to have fixed active frametime lock, it no longer makes the screen go black every other second, and I haven't noticed any visible tearing with it active. I still get sync drops on some content, like during the Sega logo in Sonic games on Mega Drive, and some specific instances on SNES, most recently during the introduction sequence of Fire Emblem Thracia 776 where the screen jitters like crazy, but I think these warrant a dedicated issue. This one can be closed.