rambaut / MERS-Cases

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Previously unreported cases #1

Closed elofgren closed 10 years ago

elofgren commented 10 years ago

Does the commit from Tuesday (345ab728166e89d6be2f68b84ce30d10dba0a0e7) include the 113 cases that have just come to light?

DrBazUK commented 10 years ago

if it does, I'd be surprised as most of the bloggers have struggled to interpret the KSA MOH release given that it gave no detail other than adding cases to their image based histogram.

The image at http://www.moh.gov.sa/en/CCC/PressReleases/Pages/mediastatement-2014-06-03-001.aspx doesn't lend itself to simple interpretation, even if using something like: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Converting_scanned_graphs_to_data but it might be interesting to try.

rambaut commented 10 years ago

No. There are not individual details for those cases yet so no way of incorporating them into the line list.