How to your productivity app extensible with JavaScriptCore?
Most applications (iOS, macOS) are limited by the set of features the developer implemented, but users often have more precise needs. We've made Paw extensible by exposing a JavaScript API so everyone can write plugins for their custom needs and share them on GitHub for the community. This talk will cover the basics of the JavaScriptCore's bindings between native code (Swift or ObjC) and JavaScript.
Why we have decided to expose an extension API in Paw
Benefits of making your app extensible
Why JavaScript bindings over CocoaScript or Python
Benefits of exposing a public API for your app
Basics of JavaScriptCore, quick presentation of JSValue, JSContext, JSExport
How to your productivity app extensible with JavaScriptCore?
Most applications (iOS, macOS) are limited by the set of features the developer implemented, but users often have more precise needs. We've made Paw extensible by exposing a JavaScript API so everyone can write plugins for their custom needs and share them on GitHub for the community. This talk will cover the basics of the JavaScriptCore's bindings between native code (Swift or ObjC) and JavaScript.