rameshvarun / Hnefatafl

Android Hnefatafl game using Google Play Games Services.
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Add Zoom and Pan Functionality #11

Open rameshvarun opened 9 years ago

rameshvarun commented 9 years ago

11x11 is a pretty large board, and even on my large Galaxy S5, it's easy to hit the wrong squares. The problem will only be worse on smaller phones like the Galaxy S3 Mini. We should probably add some sort of zoom and pan functionality. However, I'm not sure how panning will interact with dragging.


jlwatson commented 9 years ago

So unfortunately you're going to have to deal with the pinch-zoom stuff - my Android emulator can't actually simulate those kind of multi-touch actions. I have however added some initial code that I found looking through examples that should put us on the right track to implementing a zoom.