Closed ramess101 closed 5 years ago
The previous comment was for simulations. This list is for scripts that need to be written or modified.
[x] Harmonic bonds
[ ] Variable simulation length
[ ] Include exponential-6
[ ] Use different directory hierarchy when not using MCMC
[ ] General branched alkanes script with harmonic bonds and/or finite size effects
[ ] Separate force field script to improve readability
[x] Improve fit for high viscosity
[x] More robust uncertainty quantification
[x] Fit standard deviation to model
[x] Speed-up uncertainty analysis
[x] Compare multiple force fields on same plot
[x] Use Maginn's heuristic for determining tcut
Walk through code with me:
Walk through work plan
Get set up to run jobs:
Figure out dihedrals:
[x] Validate that we are implementing alkane dihedrals correctly
[ ] Determine how to implement the AUA4m dihedral model (very low priority now)
Validate n-octane TraPPE results from literature
[x] NVT ensemble only
[x] Simulate fixed bonds
[x] Simulate harmonic bonds
[x] NPT followed by NVT
[x] Simulate fixed bonds
[x] Simulate harmonic bonds
NPT ensemble
[x] Include NPT equilibration and production steps
[x] Determine which barostat to use and other parameters
[x] From average density, create new box for NVT ensemble
[x] 7. Make branchedAlkane simulations more robust
[x] 8. Pull REFPROP values for higher pressures (T293highP)
[x] 9. Create T293highP conditions files for each molecule
[x] 10. Reanalyze ( the state points where the uncertainties are inordinately large
[x] 11. Modify T293highP script so that it includes NPT first
[x] 12. Include RDF computation for high pressure runs
[x] 13. Simulate isooctane at high pressures at 293 K (check that script works on md1)
[x] 14. Move beyond Berendsen barostat
[x] 15. Modify branchedAlkanes_SaturatedViscosity so that restarts whenever gromacs returns error
[x] 16. Create .top and .gro files for challenge compound
[x] 17. Create .top and .gro files for additional branched alkanes similar to challenge compound, i.e. 2,2,5-trimethylhexane, 2,4,4-trimethylhexane
[x] 18. Extract TDE data and correlations for 2,2,4-trimethylhexane, 2,2,5-trimethylhexane, 2,4,4-trimethylhexane
[x] 19. Create exponential-6 directory and files
[x] 20. Allow for variable simulation time lengths, or at least longer simulations at higher pressures
[ ] 21. Create generalized script
[ ] 22. Saturation conditions at lower temperatures (i.e. near triple point), see propane for example
[ ] 23. Run nOctane, T347highP, TraPPE, harmonic, with NPT first on calc1 (make sure NPT production uses correct thermostat, barostat and taup)
[x] 24. Run IC4H10, T293highP, TraPPE, LINCS, NPT first on md1 (make sure NPT production uses correct thermostat, barostat and taup)
[x] 25. Run IC8H18, T293highP, Potoff, LINCS, NPT first, 4 ns on md1 (make sure NPT production uses correct thermostat, barostat and taup) we need be able to set the nsteps in NVT_vis. I would use 1 ns for the lowest pressure, 2 ns for the next two pressures, and 4 ns for the top two pressures.
[x] 26. Repeat 24. and 25. but with the different force fields. IC4H10 can do TraPPE, Potoff, TAMie, and AUA4. IC8H18 will just have TraPPE and Potoff.
[ ] Finish running saturation jobs
[ ] Start running high pressure simulations
[ ] Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD)
[x] Test simulation length
This is a list of the simulations we need to run
Put a * next to high priority tasks Put your initials next to a task that you are currently working on
Saturation viscosity
New list of compounds
[x] Potoff (SMR: done)
[x] TraPPE
[x] TAMie
C16H34 (not working)
[ ] Potoff
[ ] TraPPE
[ ] TAMie
[ ] Potoff
[ ] TraPPE (SMR: running)
[ ] TAMie
22DM-butane (probably won't run this)
[ ] Potoff
[ ] TraPPE
[x] Potoff
[x] TraPPE
[x] TAMie
[x] Potoff
[x] TraPPE
[x] TAMie
Old list of compounds
[ ] Potoff
[ ] TraPPE
[x] TAMie
[ ] Exp-6
[x] TraPPE-2
[ ] MCMC 12-6
[x] MCMC 13-6
[x] MCMC 14-6
[x] MCMC 15-6
[x] MCMC 16-6
[x] Potoff
[x] TraPPE
[x] TAMie
[ ] Exp-6
[x] MCMC 14-6 (low priority)
[x] MCMC 16-6
[x] Potoff
[x] TraPPE
[x] TAMie
[ ] Exp-6
[ ] MCMC 14-6 (low priority)
[x] MCMC 16-6
[x] Potoff
[x] TraPPE
[x] TAMie
[ ] Exp-6
[ ] MCMC 14-6 (low priority)
[ ] MCMC 16-6
[x] Potoff
[x] TraPPE
[x] TAMie (SMR: Results are very similar to TraPPE)
[x] AUA4
[x] Potoff
[x] TraPPE
[x] TAMie
[x] Potoff (SMR: Done. Ran again due to wrong previous Potoff parameters for IC6)
[x] TraPPE
[x] TAMie
[x] Potoff
[x] TraPPE
[x] Potoff
[x] TraPPE
[x] AUA4
Finite size effects
C3H8, Potoff:
C4H10, Potoff:
C4H10, TraPPE:
C8H18, TraPPE:
IC8H18, TraPPE:
Simulation length
C8H18, TraPPE, N400
High pressure
Harmonic bonds
TraPPE, N400
[x] C3H8
[x] C4H10
[x] C8H18
High pressure
293 K
TraPPE, N400
[x] C3H8
[x] C4H10
[x] C8H18
[x] IC5H12
[ ] 3MPentane (SMR: Running)
Potoff, N400
[x] C3H8
[x] C4H10
[x] C8H18
TAMie, N400 (high priority)
[x] C3H8
[x] C4H10
[x] C8H18
MCMC Mie 16-6, N400
[x] C3H8
[ ] C4H10
[ ] C8H18
MCMC Mie 14-6, N400
[ ] C3H8
[ ] C4H10
[ ] C8H18
347 K
TraPPE, N400, C8H18 (Validation)
[x] Harmonic