ramialdine / todoapp

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US3 Bottom Bar #8

Open ramialdine opened 1 week ago

ramialdine commented 1 week ago

AS A user,
I WANT TO use a bottom navigation bar to switch between ongoing and completed tasks,
TO easily view my current tasks and those I have finished,
SO THAT I can manage my tasks more efficiently.

SCENARIO: Successful Navigation to Ongoing Tasks
GIVEN the user is on the main screen with a bottom navigation bar,
WHEN the user clicks the "Ongoing Tasks" button,
THEN the system should display all the tasks that are not yet marked as completed,
WITHIN 1 second,
AND ensure that completed tasks are hidden.

SCENARIO: Successful Navigation to Completed Tasks
GIVEN the user is on the main screen with a bottom navigation bar,
WHEN the user clicks the "Completed Tasks" button,
THEN the system should display all tasks marked as completed,
WITHIN 1 second,
AND hide all ongoing tasks from view.

SCENARIO: Empty Task List
GIVEN the user has no ongoing tasks or no completed tasks,
WHEN the user clicks either the "Ongoing Tasks" or "Completed Tasks" button,
THEN the system should display a message saying "No tasks available"
WITHIN 1 second,
AND prompt the user to create a new task if necessary.

SCENARIO: Network Error When Loading Tasks
GIVEN the user is trying to navigate between ongoing and completed tasks,
WHEN there is a network issue preventing the retrieval of tasks,
THEN the system should display an error message saying "Unable to load tasks, please try again"
WITHIN 1 second,
AND provide the option to retry loading the tasks.