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US4 Account Login #9

Open ramialdine opened 1 week ago

ramialdine commented 1 week ago

Here’s the user story for a login page that directs the user to the main tasks page after account creation:

AS A user,
I WANT TO log in to the app with my account credentials,
TO access my main tasks page,
SO THAT I can manage my tasks after successfully logging in.

SCENARIO: Successful Login and Redirection to Main Tasks Page
GIVEN the user is on the login page,
WHEN the user enters a valid email address and password,
AND clicks the "Login" button,
THEN the system should authenticate the user’s credentials,
WITHIN 2 seconds,
AND redirect the user to the main tasks page
WITHIN 1 second of successful authentication.

SCENARIO: Invalid Login Credentials
GIVEN the user is on the login page,
WHEN the user enters an incorrect email address or password,
AND clicks the "Login" button,
THEN the system should display an error message stating "Invalid email or password"
WITHIN 1 second,
AND prevent access to the main tasks page.

SCENARIO: Newly Created Account Redirect
GIVEN the user has just created an account on the sign-up page,
WHEN the user is automatically redirected to the login page,
THEN the system should allow the user to log in with their newly created credentials
WITHIN 2 seconds,
AND redirect them to the main tasks page immediately after logging in.

SCENARIO: Network Error During Login
GIVEN the user is on the login page,
WHEN the user enters valid credentials and clicks the "Login" button,
THEN if a network error occurs, the system should display an error message saying "Network error. Please try again later"
WITHIN 1 second,
AND allow the user to retry logging in once the network is stable.