Currently every icon has a type defined like this:
import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte";
export default class Icon extends SvelteComponentTyped<{
size?: string | number
width?: string | number
height?: string | number
color?: string
viewBox?: string
class?: string
ariaHidden?: boolean
title?: string | null
desc?: string | null
}> {}
This feels very repetitive and makes type hinting more complicated as well. (ie in theory a user of this package cannot assume that every icon definition has the same type)
Could we not implement it such that it looks like this?
File: Icon.svelte.d.ts
import { SvelteComponentTyped } from "svelte";
export default class Icon extends SvelteComponentTyped<{
size?: string | number
width?: string | number
height?: string | number
color?: string
viewBox?: string
class?: string
ariaHidden?: boolean
title?: string | null
desc?: string | null
}> {}
All other files: [IconName].svelte.d.ts
export { default as Icon } from "icon";
Currently to typehint that a Svelte component takes any icon as a prop I either need to copy the definition from above, which is the opposite of loosely coupled.
Alternatively what I do now is this:
import type Icon from "svelte-material-icons/Delete.svelte";
export default interface ContextMenuAction {
name: string,
icon: typeof Icon
Which is still kind of ugly and depends on the fact that I assume all other icons will have a compatible type.
Currently every icon has a type defined like this:
This feels very repetitive and makes type hinting more complicated as well. (ie in theory a user of this package cannot assume that every icon definition has the same type)
Could we not implement it such that it looks like this?
All other files:
Currently to typehint that a Svelte component takes any icon as a prop I either need to copy the definition from above, which is the opposite of loosely coupled. Alternatively what I do now is this:
Which is still kind of ugly and depends on the fact that I assume all other icons will have a compatible type.