ramiromagno / gwasrapidd

gwasrapidd: an R package to query, download and wrangle GWAS Catalog data
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The most efficient way to retrieve association results by study_id? #31

Closed totajuliusd closed 2 years ago

totajuliusd commented 2 years ago

Hi, can you please tell me what would be the most efficient way to extract the following information for a particular study by study_id?

What I would like to end up with, would be a table with the following columns:

CHROM, POS, P, beta_or_OR,risk_allle (or REF and ALT),gene_name

I can do this using the following code. But I havent used S4 objects before, and am sure there must be a simpler way of making this table by using them correctly?

study_id <- "GCST004132" associations <- get_associations(study_id=study_id) variants <- get_variants(study_id = study_id)

assoc_df <- data.frame(P = as.numeric(associations@associations$pvalue), ID = associations@risk_alleles$variant_id, beta=associations@associations$beta_number,OR=associations@associations$or_per_copy_number, risk_allele=associations@risk_alleles$risk_allele) variants_df <- data.frame(ID=variants@variants$variant_id, CHROM=variants@variants$chromosome_name, POS=variants@variants$chromosome_position)

variants_assoc_df <- merge(assoc_df, variants_df, by="ID") gene_name_df <- variants@genomic_contexts %>% distinct(variant_id, .keep_all=T) %>% select(variant_id,gene_name) %>%rename(ID=variant_id) %>% as.data.frame()

variants_with_gene_name <- inner_join(variants_assoc_df, gene_name_df, by="ID")

I appreciate any help with this, Tota

ramiromagno commented 2 years ago

Hi Tota,

Thank you for your question.

Your code seems fine overall.

Let me just present a tidier approach that:

  1. Relies on dplyr::left_join() to join tables (better than assuming that the number of rows across tables will match by position, in general they will not, although in your case it seems to work)
  2. Genes are obtained from the genes table in the associations object, not from the genomic_contexts table from the variants object. Results should be similar, but the genes table reflects the genes to be annotated with that variant according to the authors of the study, whereas the genes listed genomic_contexts are generated by the GWAS Catalog team by automatic workflows. So, why am I getting the genes from the genes table? Just to show you that you could do differently. Stick with your approach if you prefer the annotation by the GWAS Catalog team instead of the original authors'.
  3. Keeps all gene names associated with a locus, instead of only the first one.

With regards to efficiency, both methods are equivalent. The bottleneck is always the retrieval of the data from the GWAS Catalog. In your case we need to get associations and variants. The rest is just wrangling.

Feel free to ask more questions! Happy coding.


study_id <- "GCST004132"
associations <- get_associations(study_id = study_id)
variants <- get_variants(study_id = study_id)

# Because there are more than on gene associated with a locus
genes <- associations@genes %>%
  dplyr::group_by(association_id, locus_id) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(gene_name = paste(gene_name, collapse = ' '), .groups = 'drop')

association_results <-
  associations@associations %>%
  dplyr::select(association_id, pvalue, beta_number, or_per_copy_number) %>%
  dplyr::left_join(associations@risk_alleles, by = 'association_id') %>%
  dplyr::left_join(genes, by = c('association_id', 'locus_id')) %>%
  dplyr::left_join(variants@variants, by = c('variant_id')) %>%
    study_id = study_id,
    association_id = association_id,
    ID = variant_id,
    CHROM = chromosome_name,
    POS = chromosome_position,
    risk_allele = risk_allele,
    gene_name = gene_name,
    P = pvalue,
    beta = beta_number,
    OR = or_per_copy_number

#> # A tibble: 119 × 10
#>    study_id  association_id ID    CHROM    POS risk_allele gene_name     P  beta
#>    <chr>     <chr>          <chr> <chr>  <int> <chr>       <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 GCST0041… 19144286       rs34… 1     1.60e8 G           SLAMF8    1e- 6    NA
#>  2 GCST0041… 19144332       rs25… 3     5.31e7 C           intergen… 6e- 9    NA
#>  3 GCST0041… 19144360       rs56… 3     1.89e8 C           LPP       6e-10    NA
#>  4 GCST0041… 19144385       rs80… 13    4.23e7 C           AKAP11    4e- 8    NA
#>  5 GCST0041… 19144411       rs48… 22    3.69e7 C           NCF4      2e- 8    NA
#>  6 GCST0041… 19144456       rs10… 16    8.28e7 A           CDH13     1e- 9    NA
#>  7 GCST0041… 19713859       rs14… 7     5.03e7 <NA>        C7orf72 … 9e-12    NA
#>  8 GCST0041… 19713864       rs12… 17    4.24e7 <NA>        NAGLU ST… 2e-11    NA
#>  9 GCST0041… 19713869       rs51… 19    4.87e7 <NA>        IZUMO1 N… 4e-11    NA
#> 10 GCST0041… 19713874       rs10… 2     4.36e7 <NA>        THADA ZF… 4e-11    NA
#> # … with 109 more rows, and 1 more variable: OR <dbl>
totajuliusd commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much, when I said more efficient I meant tidier, so this is perfect and exactly what I wanted!