ramiss / arduino_DJI_03_RC_ARM

Automatically Arm a DJI 03 Air unit with an Arduino
41 stars 11 forks source link

general questions #20

Closed abritten closed 9 months ago

abritten commented 10 months ago

Hi @ramiss I want to get this project started with a O3 and my fixed wing. I was trying this code on a Arduino Mega board but it seems to not be the right thing to do. I have a few questions below:

Will this code work on any know Arduino boards? Is the Seeeduino board the SAMD21 version? When you say to downgrade the board type to 1.7.9, I can only see the Sparkfun SAMD21, is that the correct selection or are there Seeeduino board libraries? (See picture attached) Is it possible to re-add in a arming switch to switch the O3 back to low power mode? I saw the 3.3V/5V issue, if I was to get this code working on a arduino, I would need to put a resistor between the Arduino TX and the O3 RX since there would be a 5V and 3.3V TTL?

Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 11 45 14 AM
mendberg commented 9 months ago

This project (as is) is designed to run on Seeeduino XIAO SAMD21.

In Arduino IDE open File / Preferences… and add the following URL to Additional boards manager URLs: https://files.seeedstudio.com/arduino/package_seeeduino_boards_index.json


You can then select & install Seeed SAMD / 1.7.9 in the BOARDS MANAGER


… compiling & uploading the code passed instantly. (So, now I have to solder… 😄)