raml-org / raml-java-parser-2

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Artifacts deployment #16

Open maqdev opened 8 years ago

maqdev commented 8 years ago

We didn't found any prebuilt jars on maven. Until there is an official release we have temporarily published RAML parser to https://oss.sonatype.org

This repository https://github.com/InnovaCo/raml2travis contains fixed POM's and script for travis. If you're interested, please feel free to use anything from it.

MTyson commented 8 years ago


Is this project still alive?

sichvoge commented 8 years ago

This project is still alive and we will release a new version soon; there has been some development efforts with regards to some feedback we've received about the JS wrapper and a team is now moving to a native parser approach. The first version should be soon(ish) released here in a branch afaik.

maqdev commented 8 years ago

Good news! Thanks for the info.

MTyson commented 8 years ago

awesome news. very excited about this project. I am glad to hear about native approach also... snakeyaml seems very solid (if that is the way you are going as you did with 0.8)

anyway, thanks for the update. would much rather have a straight java approach if possible

sichvoge commented 8 years ago

Sure - if you don't here from me soon; please add a new comment ;)

MTyson commented 8 years ago

First of all - nice bike.

Second of all, how are things going?

sichvoge commented 8 years ago

Thanks - I was very young when that photo was made; does not mean I am not a sporty anymore :D

We are currently pushing for a plan to open source our current state of the art so that the community can have more visibility. That is not our only effort with open sourcing and adding more visibility to what we do etc. The first step was open source the spec itself and iterate on top of it adding the changes for RC2. The next are the parsers, but we want to move from RC1 to RC2. And thanks for reminding me :)

The team here wants to wait for the RC2 features and implement the parser on top of that instead of using the "old" RC1 as there are some significant changes. Understandable for sure, and when the first iteration is done, you will get what you need :)

MTyson commented 8 years ago

Haha :)

Thanks for update!

MTyson commented 8 years ago

Will the new Raml 1.0 parser support the Java object notation that SnakeYAML uses (ie, !!my.group.MyClass)?

Hoping so?

sichvoge commented 8 years ago

Maybe the answer you seek can be found here

Let me know if that answers your question.