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RAML Specification
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finalize all use of data types in named parameters #318

Closed sichvoge closed 8 years ago

sichvoge commented 8 years ago

In RC1, a named parameter such as header or query parameter is defined as a "properties declaration". That might impose restrictions, for example, between query parameters. We need to finalize what the value of named parameters are in relation with types.

usarid commented 8 years ago

Replace the entire contents of the section titled "The Query String as a Whole" with the following, after making it consistent, if necessary, with our new terminology for describing YAML nodes, and after making the sentence containing "must be derived from" consistent with the way we discuss type expressions and extending types.

Note that this example is the same as in #319.

The queryString property is used to specify the query string as a whole, rather than as name-value pairs. Its value is either the name of a type or an inline type declaration. The type must be derived from a scalar type or from a map type.

If the type is derived from a scalar type, the query string as a whole MUST be described by the type.

If the type is derived from a map type, processors MUST regard the query string as a URL-encoded serialization of an instance of this map type; that is, the query string must be of the form "parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2&..." where "parameter1", "parameter2", etc. correspond to the keys in the map type, and the values to the corresponding value specifications in the map type. If a value in the map type is an array type, processors MUST interpret this as allowing multiple instances of that query parameter in the query string. In such a case, the underlying type of the array -- namely, the type of the elements of the array -- MUST be applied as the type of the value of instances of this query parameter.

In the following example, union types and extending from multiple types are used to constrain the query parameters to specific alternatives:

#%RAML 1.0
title: Illustrate query parameter variations
  lat-long: # lat & long required; mutually exclusive with location
      lat: number
      long: number
  loc: # location required; mutually exclusive with lat & long
  paging: # each is optional, not exclusive with anything
      start?: number
      page-size?: number
      type: [paging,  lat-long | loc ]
            start: 2
            lat: 12
            long: 13
            start: 2
            page-size: 20
            location: 1,2
        third:  # not valid
            lat: 12
            location: 2
          strict: false # because it's not valid
usarid commented 8 years ago

I don't know that the other section on named parameters (URI parameters, base URI parameters, and headers) need any changes.

sichvoge commented 8 years ago

Don't think so since most clearly state that the value of each is equal to a properties declaration. If we find something else, we can easily create a separated issue and clean that.