ramnathv / htmlwidgets

HTML Widgets for R
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Rendering htmlwidgets in Jupyter #144

Open hafen opened 8 years ago

hafen commented 8 years ago

I've been asked about the ability to render htmlwidgets in Jupyter. Seems like a good thing to provide general support for. I don't know much about Jupyter. If someone does and has an idea for how to handle it, this would be a good feature to add. If no one does, I can maybe research it in a few weeks.

ramnathv commented 8 years ago

I have played with rendering in IPython notebooks, which is what Jupyter is based on. The challenge I have seen is that Jupyter uses backbone views to render interactive widget content. Moreover, dependency loading uses requirejs, which creates some additional challenges.

A while back I had started a python port of htmlwidgets. I need to clean the code up a bit before I put in on github. That would help address my broader albeit grandiose goal of writing widgets that can be bound from multiple languages (R, Python, Julia, Scala etc.)

LienM commented 8 years ago

Have you made any progress on this issue since the question was first posed? I'm not sure if I would be of any use, but I'd love to help.

rcrezende commented 8 years ago


tomsing1 commented 8 years ago

Any updates on this? Plotly is getting a lot of traction lately, and it would be great to have a nice way of embedding its output into Jupyter notebooks. Or are iframes the way forward?

janxkoci commented 3 years ago

FYI Python has the ipywidgets module, which works great in Jupyter (I've heard). But I'm an R guy, so it would be nice to have something like this working in Jupyter from R too.