ramnathv / mgcr271

Business Statistics
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Set up STATmentors #32

Open ramnathv opened 11 years ago

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

STATmentors is intended to leverage the power of social networks to enhance learning experience in MGCR 271. In the pilot phase, I want to implement it only for the sections I teach. As a result, I want to keep the TAs of the course away from this initiative, and only use volunteers to run this. My current thinking on how to achieve this is outlined below.


I plan to send invitations to students who have taken MGCR 271 and have performed well (scored at least an A-) to volunteer for being mentors. A couple of tasks need to be accomplished to achieve this.

  1. Draft an email explaining the purpose of the mentorship network and responsibilities it would entail.
  2. Design a Google Form for mentors to sign up.
  3. Prepare a short flyer to advertise the idea on a larger scale.


The primary purpose of the mentorship network would be to provide more personalized support to students taking MGCR 271. Here is a draft structure of how workflow would occur.

  1. Mentors email their mentees and set up a mutually convenient time to meet.
  2. In the first meeting, mentors explain to the mentees what they need to do to succeed in the course.
  3. Over the semester, mentees can contact their mentors through email or in-person meetings to clarify difficult concepts.

I need to design Google Forms to record mentor-mentee interaction and feedback.


The second objective of the mentorship network is to create material useful for the course. This would consist of presentations (Google Docs) and screencasts explaining difficult concepts, step by step solutions to problems etc. Here is what I envisage on how this would work.

  1. Create a list of potential topics on How to Dos?
  2. Share spreadsheet with Mentor Network.
  3. Mentors can sign up to work on specific topics.
  4. Mentors can either link to existing videos, or create new material using Screenr.

I need to think of a nice way to share the repository of material with the entire class, and also get students to enter comments. A Youtube channel might be one way to do it. There needs to be a clearing mechanism for videos to be featured on the channel so that there is no spam. One way to do it is to nominate a group of students to manage the Youtube channel.


The third objective of the mentorship network would be manage the Q&A page linked to the course. I am thinking either Piazza or OSQA for the platform. I can make it clear to students that this would mostly be a student managed initiative with limited support from faculty. The advantages of posting your questions to the Q&A site would be

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

Study Network

A study network is an activity group where students discuss key concepts and work together on problems. It is facilitated by student mentors who are senior students who have performed well in statistics. This idea is derived from STAT 100 at Harvard.

Here is how a typical study network would function:

  1. Sessions are scheduled in advance (date, time and place).
  2. Mentors volunteer to facilitate specific study network sessions.
  3. Students use the time to work on problems and clarify them with the mentors.

I am thinking of using space on the second floor to carry out this exercise. I believe it nicely integrates with the rest of my ideas on STATmentors.

When and Where

Wed 7 - 9pm, Bronfman 2nd Floor Lounge Thu 8 - 10pm, Bronfman 2nd Floor Lounge


What Is It?

Student mentors will be available to assist you with your work during these sessions. Mentors are upperclassmen who have performed well in MGCR 271 and are adept at tutoring. They can help you understand key concepts from the course and also provide hints on how to solve problems. Please note that all mentors are volunteering their time and effort to help you and so treat them with respect.

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

Google Hangouts

I am also thinking about how I can use the power of Hangouts to further learning.

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

Peer-Assisted Learning

  1. PAL leaders meet regularly with small groups of students to help improve their understanding of course material, by working through problems, identifying gaps in understanding, focusing on commonly made mistakes etc.
  2. PAL leaders are NOT teachers and do not impart new material. They facilitate learning by helping students to consolidate on the material learned.
  3. Although PAL is student-driven, the course coordinators can facilitate efficiency by coordinating scheduling and other logistics related activities.