ramnathv / poirot

Reproducible Blogging with R Markdown
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Displayed contents of index.html #17

Open stla opened 11 years ago

stla commented 11 years ago

Here is my first attempt to use poirot: http://stla.github.io/Test_Poirot3/index.html Please Ramnath feel my gratitude, this is really great. I have published a post containing rgl interactive graphics directly, without any bare-hand actions other than running blogify() and synchronizing on GitHub :-)

I wonder about what are we supposed to display on the welcome page (index.html). Are we supposed to keep the topleft side panel about poirot ? - I don't see how to remove the "fork me on github" link image without modifying index.html, and I have changed logo: assets/img/poirot.jpg in site.yml but my image does not appear. I also wonder whether we are supposed to keep the "disqus" links.

And how could we modifiy the style of the welcome page ? For instance I'd like to have more empty space between the links to my articles and the disqus links.

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

The short answer is you will have to modify the layout files in libraries/frameworks/purus/layouts. I will post an update with the exact modification you need to make to have more empty space. The idea is to use HTML and CSS.

stla commented 11 years ago

Thanks. I think you mean assets\layouts. I see the link to "fork me on github" in this folder. But about my logo image, I still don't understand why it is not displayed.

stla commented 11 years ago

Hey ! My logo image is displayed now. Is it only a question of patience ?

ramnathv commented 11 years ago


I see that the image does appear now on the sidebar. I checked the layout and it is linked to site.logo, so should work.


The sidebar is controlled by this partial. In particular, the image and the forkme button are controlled by this part of the partial

{{# page.github }}
    <a href="https://github.com/{{user}}/{{repo}}">
      <img style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 100px; border: 0; height: 100px; z-index: 1;" 
        alt="Fork me on GitHub" 
        src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/github/ribbons/forkme_right_red_aa0000.png" >
 {{/ page.github }}

The idea is that it uses the properties specified on each page. So if your page has properties

user: ramnathv
repo: poirot

then, it will use those properties while rendering. Now, I realize that it is better of making these properties global. So, if you replace page.github, with site.github, then all properties will be based off the values you enter in site.yml. So you could specify the repo and username in one place and have it work seamlessly.

Let me know if you have trouble doing this. You will find the html layout for the sidebar in libraries/frameworks/purus/partials/sidebar.html.

Empty Space

Here is the relevant layout.

 <div id="disqus_thread"></div>

The easiest way to move the disqus comments to the bottom of the page is to write css.

#disqus_thread {
    margin-top: 40px;

You can either add this inline or drop it into the layout directly.

stla commented 11 years ago

Ah ok so you meant libraries/frameworks/purus. I will soon try your hints, thank you very much. And I will migrate my current blog to GitHub thanks to poirot :) (and thanks to GitHub for Windows).

stla commented 11 years ago

I have another question. In order to "embed" a blog article in the R-bloggers site, the R-bloggers webmaster requires the "feed" of the post. I don't know exactly what is it, but more importantly I don't know whether this feed is available with poirot on GitHub ?

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

I know exactly what you are talking about. I am working on being able to create the XML feed required by R-Bloggers automatically for Poirot blogs. The idea is to use a mustache layout corresponding to the XML feed format. Now that someone is using Poirot, I have more motivation to do this :) I will update you once I have it set up and working.

stla commented 11 years ago

Mmmm ok... so, whenever I build my true blog, maybe the first article I'll publish should be about how I became a poirot user. I'm thinking about that.

stla commented 11 years ago

Hello Ramnath. Now I have tried your instructions about the sidebar and the empty space, and everything works very well (http://stla.github.io/Test_Poirot3/).

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

Looking good. You might want to change the Disqus Comments shortname. I would recommend doing the following

  1. Change page.disqus.shortname to site.disqus.shortname here
  2. In site.yml, add disqus: {shortname: "your-disqus-short-name"}
stla commented 11 years ago

I have just tried this but now disqus doesn't work anymore: We were unable to load Disqus. If you are a moderator please see our troubleshooting guide.

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

Do you have a disqus account?

Send me a link to your HTML

stla commented 11 years ago

Ahah no ! I don't know yet what is disqus exactly. And actually when you suggested me to change the shortname, I didn't understand what is the role of this shortname.

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

Disqus allows you to add a commenting mechanism to your web sites. You will need to create an account and then choose a shortname for your blog, which you can then enter in site.yml.

stla commented 11 years ago

Ok. I have just created an account and put my shortname in site.yml, but that still doesn't work. In order to create the shortname I had to register my site, and I've typed http://stla.github.io/Test_Poirot3/

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

You need a shortname for every site you create. You will have to use the disqus website to get it. I see from the site that you have shortname as whereisyourshortname, which seems like you have just put a placeholder.

You can google for this to figure out how to get a shortname.

stla commented 11 years ago

whereisyourshortname is what I wrote before creating my account. But now I have written my true shortname : https://github.com/stla/Test_Poirot3/blob/gh-pages/site.yml

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

I see that your html files still have whereisyourshortname which probably implies that your blog has not been updated. You should run blogify again to ensure that the correct shortname gets picked up. I checked your commit history and see that you did not run blogify after you fixed the shortname.

stla commented 11 years ago

You're right. It works after blogifying. Thank you.

ramnathv commented 11 years ago

Great. There are lot of things to be optimized in the workflow. So, feel free to post any feedback/suggestions you have.

stla commented 11 years ago

Thank you. I'm taking a break now. My next step will be to try to change some styles. Globally, I prefer the classic knitr style than the current style on my blog (compare for example http://stla.overblog.com/the-binary-splitting-with-the-r-gmp-package-application-to-gauss-hypergeometric-function and http://stla.github.io/Test_Poirot3/posts/BS_F21_v3.html).

stla commented 10 years ago

Hello Ramnath, Have you made some progress for the XML feed ?

ramnathv commented 10 years ago

@stla No. I haven't made progress on this. I need a full working session with Poirot to crank these features out. I shall keep you posted.