Open WMBEdmands opened 9 years ago
This is very useful. Thanks.
The short story is use sample=FALSE such as in:
x <- c(rnorm(1326/2,5,2.5),rnorm(1326/2,10,5))
y <- rnorm(1326,15,2.5) + runif(1326,-5,5)
dftest <- data.frame(ID=1:1326, x=x, y=y,
rPlot(y ~ x, data = dftest, color = "cl", type = "point",
size=list(const=2), sample=FALSE)
Note the legend is wrong as the nb of categories >7
Could this be the reason for my issue#654?
I'm using nplot on a large data set, and my RStidio is freezing.
It has long been a source of frustration that when plotting multivariate data (i.e. >500) that PolyChart samples the data. I tried NVD3 charts to circumvent this problem but much prefer PolyCharts aesthetically speaking that is. I found this is a known issue: I noticed at the bottom of this issue a comment from with a link to the PolyCharts github wiki: Please see an example of a shiny app including an rChart scatter plot using the Polycharts library and with the option to switch off this sampling when plotting large numbers of data-points. I hope this is useful/helpful.