ramnathv / rMaps

Interactive Maps from R
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How to save leaflet as a htmlwidget #112

Closed kezhan closed 8 years ago

kezhan commented 8 years ago

I try to save a leaflet map created with rMaps into a html file, with the following code:

L2 <- Leaflet$new()
L2$setView(c(29.7632836,  -95.3632715), 10)
L2$tileLayer(provider = "MapQuestOpen.OSM")


But I got an error:

Error in envRefInferField(x, what, getClass(class(x)), selfEnv) : 
  ‘width’ is not a valid field or method name for reference class “Leaflet”

Could you please help?

ramnathv commented 8 years ago

Please use the leaflet package which is based on htmlwidgets and is actively under development.