ramnathv / rMaps

Interactive Maps from R
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animated maps in leaflet? #22

Open jdavidheiser opened 10 years ago

jdavidheiser commented 10 years ago

I have briefly looked through some of the source, and my naive intuition tells me that it should be possible to use a similar method to what you used for animating DataMaps to also animate a Leaflet map. The general idea I'm envisioning is an animation tracking events over time, such that the events show up on the map as pins when they occur. This seems like it would be possible using a similar approach to what you used for DataMaps, but not having looked at the two libraries in much detail, I may be being wildly optimistic. Do you think a similar approach should be doable?

ramnathv commented 10 years ago

I haven't looked into animated maps with Leaflet. I believe there might be Leaflet plugins that already allow you to do this. I will look around and see if I find something.