ramnathv / slidify

Generate reproducible html5 slides from R markdown
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Including DiagrammeR and iframe background #429

Open ekstroem opened 9 years ago

ekstroem commented 9 years ago

Hi all,

I'm trying to get slidify to work together with a diagram created by DiagrammeR. I read in one of the issues here that slidify and htmlwidgets don't play nicely together yet, but there were some suggestions to get things up and running by saving the widget as html and then including that in iframe.

I've included my example below. My "current" problem is that when including the widget in the iframe the background becomes white. Can I change that in some way so that it blends into the general format for my slides (i.e., have my background as transparent)?

title       : Test
subtitle    : 
author      : Claus
job         : 
framework   : revealjs      # {io2012, html5slides, shower, dzslides, ...}
highlighter : highlight.js  # {highlight.js, prettify, highlight}
hitheme     : zenburn       # 
widgets     : [mathjax angularjs]     # {mathjax, quiz, bootstrap}
mode        : standalone   # {selfcontained, standalone, draft}
knit        : slidify::knit2slides
revealjs    :
  theme: serif 
  incremental: true


## Read-And-Delete

1. Edit YAML front matter
2. Write using R Markdown
3. Use an empty line followed by three dashes to separate slides!

--- .class #id 

iframe {
  width: 800px;
  height: 600px;
  background: #AA0000;
<style>iframe.nvd3{height: 600px;width: 800px}</style>

## Slide 2

fff <- DiagrammeR::grViz("
  digraph neato {


    { rank=same; B ; C}

    A -> B [label='&beta;'];
    B -> O [label='&gamma;'];

    C -> { B O }

    A -> O[label='&beta;&gamma;'];


", width=650, height=400, engine="dot")

saveWidget(fff, 'diagram.html')
cat('<iframe src="diagram.html" width=100% height=100% allowtransparency="true" style="background: #FFCCFF;"> </iframe>')
ekstroem commented 9 years ago

Not exactly an elegant solution but a bit of CSS'ing got me where I wanted. Forcing the body background to be transparent within the slides did the trick (in combination with allowtransparency="true"). I've included the changes below so others can see it. Feel free to close it unless you'd want to keep it as a reminder to get slidify to play with htmlwidgets.


<style type="text/css">
body {background:none transparent;

  ```{r echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE,cache=FALSE,results='asis'}
fff <- DiagrammeR::grViz("
  digraph neato {


    { rank=same; B ; C}

    A -> B [label='&beta;'];
    B -> O [label='&gamma;'];

    C -> { B O }

    A -> O[label='&beta;&gamma;'];


", width=650, height=400, engine="dot")

saveWidget(fff, 'diagram.html')
cat('<iframe src="diagram.html" width=100% height=100% allowtransparency="true"> </iframe>')
arturochian commented 9 years ago

@ekstroem Do you think this could be the solution for working with other HtmlWidgets in slidify?


saveWidget(fff, 'diagram.html') cat('')

PD: Really nice work!!

arturochian commented 9 years ago

Yeah it works for other HTML Widgets!


arturochian commented 9 years ago

:clap: :clap:

jvcasillas commented 9 years ago

This is awesome news, but how are you getting DiagrammeR to work? I get the following error:

Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : 
namespace ‘stringr’ 0.6.2 is already loaded, but >= 1.0.0 is required
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘DiagrammeR’

However, when I update to 1.0.0, then slidify no longer works. I get the following error:

Error in if (body$content == "") { : 
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
ekstroem commented 9 years ago


Glad you could use it :)


Could you try to include an example that reproduces the error or are you just running through my example above?

jvcasillas commented 9 years ago

I removed stringr, and reinstalled version 0.6.2. Then removed DiagrammeR and installed the CRAN version. I am now able to reproduce html widgets.


ekstroem commented 9 years ago


safferli commented 9 years ago

The stringr update to 1.0 leading to an error is a separate issue #430 but you already found the solution :)