I'm not quite sure what the problem is. Although the error message indicates a URL issue, when I directly use this URL to add a page in the Notion client, the image displays normally.Has any friend encountered this problem? Looking forward to kind-hearted people's responses to help me 😢
my_block = [{'image': {'caption': [], 'type': 'external', 'external': {'url': 'https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_gif/YOBosIBzibxFvlzx4aic86IVpzD4hmib8YcaLJgCH1DaMmkMGbD0RDkMDBOUOOvCFEiab9In6tHIAdJicf5Vtk81UHw/640?wx_fmt=gif'}}}] then raise: notion_client.errors.APIResponseError: Content creation Failed. Fix the following: Invalid image url.
I'm not quite sure what the problem is. Although the error message indicates a URL issue, when I directly use this URL to add a page in the Notion client, the image displays normally.Has any friend encountered this problem? Looking forward to kind-hearted people's responses to help me 😢