ramokz / phantom-camera

👻🎥 Control the movement and dynamically tween 2D & 3D cameras. Built for Godot 4. Inspired by Cinemachine.
MIT License
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2D Limiting does not function on export #164

Closed GrogsyShovel closed 5 months ago

GrogsyShovel commented 9 months ago

Issue description

All types of limiting work fine in the editor, but do not function whatsoever on export. Once exported, the only error that appears on the debug console is that EditorInterface isn't available in viewport.gd (which probably isn't relevant): image

Limiting was working ok on export in 0.6; I never tested 0.6.1.

I noticed the limiting bug when using TileMap limiting, but CollisionShape2D limiting does not work either. I'm using commit fb7158f (latest as of posting) with Godot version 4.1.3 on Windows 11.

Steps to reproduce

This bug can be reproduced using the example 2D limit scene provided in the plugin's examples. An export with the default options will do.

(Optional) Minimal reproduction project

This .zip file contains the exact files of the repository at fb7158f except that a project.godot file, an export_presets.cfg file, and the .godot folder have been added for convenience. phantom-camera-limit-export-bug.zip

ramokz commented 9 months ago

Note: Don't have access to a Windows, so could only test on Linux and Mac. Am also using Godot 4.2.1

Did an export test and can see what you mean. You're right that the error with viewport.gd is not related to this.

Initially, I thought the reason was due to calling if not is_node_ready(): await ready on line 281 in PhantomCamera2D.gd. Exporting after commenting that out initially made the limit in the export work. So to double-check, I enabled the line again and re-exported, and it still works…

After redoing multiple exports, it seems somewhat random whether if the limits work or not. From what I can see, it boils down to whether if the limit NodePath is being applied or not, inside the _set_limit_node(value) on line 264 in PhantomCamera2D.gd.

Another thing I tried that seemed to do something was changing the starting position of the playable character, so that the PCam2D/Camera2D was not touching a limit side upon instantiation. Or at least by moving the node around in-between exports.

Does any of those things change anything for you?

GrogsyShovel commented 9 months ago

Trial 1

Initially, I thought the reason was due to calling if not is_node_ready(): await ready on line 281 in PhantomCamera2D.gd. Exporting after commenting that out initially made the limit in the export work. So to double-check, I enabled the line again and re-exported, and it still works…

I was able to reproduce this exactly on first try. The limit worked perfectly after disabling line 281 and exporting. It also worked after reenabling line 281 and exporting again. The limit had not worked at all no matter where I had moved the player object until I had disabled line 281.

However, upon deleting and regenerating the res://.godot/ folder, restarting the editor, and exporting again, the app resumed its initial (buggy) behavior.

Trial 2

I decided to rerun the test, and this time I had different results. After commenting out line 281 then exporting in the exact same manner as before, I got this behavior on the first tween (and only the first tween): https://github.com/ramokz/phantom-camera/assets/145708933/a79b627e-cb96-4df8-a3bd-cb2605ac8ff7

The limiting continued to malfunction whether line 281 was enabled or not. Only after I had yet again commented out line 281 and moved the starting position of the "player" object so that the camera was clamped by the limit, did limiting work properly on export. After reenabling line 281, the limiting was still working. After reenabling line 281 and moving the player's starting position away from the limit, the limiting stopped working.

Trial 3

I (thoroughly confused) deleted the res://.godot/ folder again, restarted the editor, and ran one last trial, this time with the intention of solving the problem without editing line 281. To test things out, I added a few print statements in the _set() functions around line 264: image

and this was the result before any other editing:




Each log of the value property was an empty NodePath. Not even <null>, just an empty NodePath.

After following the steps in my second trial (after which limiting began working), this was the result:


These log outputs (along with the other weird behavior concerning line 281) lead me to believe that this issue might be due to some sort of Godot engine bug, not a problem with Phantom Camera. I can't think of any other reason why the _set() function would be called with an empty NodePath in this case. The main piece of evidence against this theory is that limiting was working just fine a few Phantom Camera versions ago, and the issue seems to persist across Godot versions. In the meantime, we have a semi-usable workaround.

I hope this was able to clear things up at least a little bit. It seems like this will be a tough bug to squash...

ramokz commented 9 months ago

Yeah, honestly, I have no clue what's causing this to happen beyond an export bug. The .tscn file should have the NodePath value baked into the PCam2D node before export, so it doesn't make sense that it would be an empty path at any point in time. It's almost as if something is resetting it during export.

Somewhat related, am slowly preparing to shift the way properties are set up to use the _validate_property approach introduced in Godot 4.2. Given it sets and gets properties using the more standard @export var way might potentially solve this issue, among others (e.g. #55). Do want to wait as long as, feasible, possible to not restrict the addon to only Godot 4.2+, but given the severity and confusion of this it might suggest that it's worth trying sooner rather than later.

GrogsyShovel commented 9 months ago

Alright, then! Thank you for your quick responses. I wish you luck on the _validate_property refactor, and I am looking forward to more of Phantom Camera.

ramokz commented 9 months ago

No problem! Thanks for highlighting this issue. Will be good to be validated against with the upcoming changes.

ctinalexc commented 8 months ago

I don't know if this will help in any way, it s pretty hardcoded but maybe it gives a hint on what the problem could be.

Because in all my scenes I have the same reference for limits (Tilemap) I hardcoded it in the signal in _ready() I added @export to all variables

When I run the scene in the engine it sometimes goes to "in_tree_ready" or "in_tree_not_ready" but when the game is exported it goes through "in_tree_not_ready" with call_deferred always, not one time I ve seen it go through "in_tree_ready". It worked without the @export for each var but it resets margins to 0, so after I exported all variables it remembered the values for margins, so it kind of worked but parameters were resetted using only the signals, but the export also applied the settings I had (pixel margins etc)

class_name PhantomCamera2D
extends Node2D

#region Constants

const Constants = preload("res://addons/phantom_camera/scripts/phantom_camera/phantom_camera_constants.gd")

const FRAME_PREVIEW: StringName = "frame_preview"

const PIXEL_PERFECT_PROPERTY_NAME: StringName = "pixel_perfect"

const ZOOM_PROPERTY_NAME: StringName = "zoom"

const FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_AUTO: StringName = Constants.FOLLOW_PARAMETERS_NAME + "auto_zoom"
const FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MIN: StringName = Constants.FOLLOW_PARAMETERS_NAME + "min_zoom"
const FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MAX: StringName = Constants.FOLLOW_PARAMETERS_NAME + "max_zoom"
const FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MARGIN: StringName = Constants.FOLLOW_PARAMETERS_NAME + "zoom_margin"

const CAMERA_2D_LIMIT: StringName = "limit/"

const DRAW_LIMITS: StringName = CAMERA_2D_LIMIT + "draw_limits"  
const LIMIT_LEFT: StringName = CAMERA_2D_LIMIT + "left"  
const LIMIT_TOP: StringName = CAMERA_2D_LIMIT + "top"  
const LIMIT_RIGHT: StringName = CAMERA_2D_LIMIT + "right"  
const LIMIT_BOTTOM: StringName = CAMERA_2D_LIMIT + "bottom"  
const LIMIT_SMOOTHED: StringName = CAMERA_2D_LIMIT + "smoothed"  
const LIMIT_NODE_PATH_PROPERTY_NAME: StringName = CAMERA_2D_LIMIT + "limit_node_target"


#region Signals

## Emitted when the PhantomCamera2D becomes active.
signal became_active
## Emitted when the PhantomCamera2D becomes inactive.
signal became_inactive

## Emitted when the Camera2D starts to tween to the PhantomCamera2D.
signal tween_started
## Emitted when the Camera2D is to tweening to the PhantomCamera2D.
signal is_tweening
## Emitted when the tween is interrupted due to another PhantomCamera2D becoming active.
## The argument is the PhantomCamera2D that interrupted the tween.
signal tween_interrupted(pcam_2d: PhantomCamera2D)
## Emitted when the Camera2D completes its tween to the PhantomCamera2D.
signal tween_completed


#region Variables

var Properties = preload("res://addons/phantom_camera/scripts/phantom_camera/phantom_camera_properties.gd").new()

# BUG Unable to call the variable `Zoom`
# due to a bug where the setter doesn't properly register changes to it
@export var camera_zoom: Vector2 = Vector2.ONE

@export var _frame_preview: bool = true

@export var pixel_perfect: bool

@export var follow_group_zoom_auto: bool
@export var follow_group_zoom_min: float = 1
@export var follow_group_zoom_max: float = 5
@export var follow_group_zoom_margin: Vector4

static var draw_limits: bool
@export var _limit_default: int = 10000000
@export var _limit_sides: Vector4i
@export var _limit_sides_default: Vector4i = Vector4i(-_limit_default, -_limit_default, _limit_default, _limit_default)
@export var limit_left: int = -_limit_default
@export var limit_top: int = -_limit_default
@export var limit_right: int = _limit_default  
@export var limit_bottom: int = _limit_default
@export var limit_node_path: NodePath
@export var limit_margin: Vector4i
@export var limit_smoothed: bool
@export var limit_inactive_pcam: bool

@export var _camera_offset: Vector2


func _ready():
    get_tree().connect("tree_changed", _on_tree_changed.bind("../TileMap"))

#region Properties

func _get_property_list() -> Array:
    var property_list: Array[Dictionary]

        "name": ZOOM_PROPERTY_NAME,
        "type": TYPE_VECTOR2,
        "hint": PROPERTY_HINT_LINK


    if Properties.follow_mode != Constants.FollowMode.NONE:

    if Properties.follow_mode == Constants.FollowMode.GROUP:
            "name": FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_AUTO,
            "type": TYPE_BOOL,
            "hint": PROPERTY_HINT_NONE,
            "usage": PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT,
        if follow_group_zoom_auto:
                "name": FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MIN,
                "type": TYPE_FLOAT,
                "hint": PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE,
                "hint_string": "0.01, 100, 0.01,",
                "usage": PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT,

                "name": FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MAX,
                "type": TYPE_FLOAT,
                "hint": PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE,
                "hint_string": "0.01, 100, 0.01,",
                "usage": PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT,

                "name": FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MARGIN,
                "type": TYPE_VECTOR4,
                "hint": PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE,
                "hint_string": "0, 100, 0.01,",
                "usage": PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT,


        "name": FRAME_PREVIEW,
        "type": TYPE_BOOL,

        "type": TYPE_BOOL,
        "hint": PROPERTY_HINT_NONE,
        "usage": PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT,

        "name": DRAW_LIMITS,
        "type": TYPE_BOOL

    if limit_node_path.is_empty():
            "name": LIMIT_LEFT,
            "type": TYPE_INT
            "name": LIMIT_TOP,
            "type": TYPE_INT
            "name": LIMIT_RIGHT,
            "type": TYPE_INT
            "name": LIMIT_BOTTOM,
            "type": TYPE_INT

        "type": TYPE_NODE_PATH,
        "hint_string": "TileMap" + "," + "CollisionShape2D",

    if limit_node_path:
            "name": LIMIT_MARGIN_PROPERTY_NAME,
            "type": TYPE_VECTOR4I,
        "name": LIMIT_SMOOTHED,
        "type": TYPE_BOOL



    return property_list


#region _set

func _set(property: StringName, value) -> bool:
    Properties.set_priority_property(property, value, self)

    # ZOOM
    if property == ZOOM_PROPERTY_NAME:
        camera_zoom = Vector2(absf(value.x), absf(value.y))

    if property == FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_AUTO:
        follow_group_zoom_auto = value

    if property == FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MIN:
        if value > 0:
            follow_group_zoom_min = value
            follow_group_zoom_min = 0

    if property == FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MAX:
        if value > 0:
            follow_group_zoom_max = value
            follow_group_zoom_max = 0

    if property == FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MARGIN:
        follow_group_zoom_margin = value

        pixel_perfect = value

    Properties.set_follow_properties(property, value, self)
    Properties.set_tween_properties(property, value, self)
    Properties.set_secondary_properties(property, value, self)

    if property == DRAW_LIMITS:
        draw_limits = value
        if Engine.is_editor_hint():

    # TODO - Move other properties to use this match (switch) statement
    match property:
            limit_left = value
            limit_top = value
            limit_right = value
            limit_bottom = value

    if property == LIMIT_SMOOTHED:
        limit_smoothed = value

        call_deferred("_set_limit_node", value)

    if property == LIMIT_MARGIN_PROPERTY_NAME:
        limit_margin = value

    if property == FRAME_PREVIEW:
        _frame_preview = true if value == null else value

    return false

func _on_tree_changed(value: NodePath) -> void:

func _set_limit_node(value: NodePath) -> void:
    # Try to get the node from the NodePath
    var target_node = get_node_or_null(value)

    if target_node and target_node.is_inside_tree():
    # If the target node is in the tree and presumably ready, execute the logic
        # Disconnect the signal as it's no longer needed
    elif target_node:
        # If the node is not ready, connect to its 'ready' signal
        target_node.connect("ready", _on_node_ready.bind(value), CONNECT_ONE_SHOT)
        # Handle the case where the target node doesn't exist or can't be obtained
        printerr("Node not found or not valid: ", value)

func _on_node_ready(value: NodePath) -> void:
    limit_node_path = value
    if get_tree().tree_changed.is_connected(_on_tree_changed):
        # Disconnect the signal as it's no longer needed
        get_tree().disconnect("tree_changed", _on_tree_changed)
    # Removes signal from existing TileMap node
    if is_instance_valid(get_node_or_null(limit_node_path)):
        var prev_limit_node: Node2D = get_node(limit_node_path)
        if prev_limit_node is TileMap:
            if prev_limit_node.changed.is_connected(_on_tile_map_changed):

    var limit_node: Node2D = get_node_or_null(value)

    if is_instance_valid(limit_node):
        if limit_node is TileMap:
            var tile_map_node: TileMap = get_node(value)

        elif limit_node is CollisionShape2D:
            var col_shape: CollisionShape2D = get_node(value)
            if col_shape.get_shape() == null:
                printerr("No Shape2D in: ", col_shape.name)
                value = NodePath()

    limit_node_path = value



#region _get

func _get(property: StringName):
    if property == Constants.PRIORITY_OVERRIDE:                         return Properties.priority_override
    if property == Constants.PRIORITY_PROPERTY_NAME:                    return Properties.priority

    if property == ZOOM_PROPERTY_NAME:                                  return camera_zoom

    if property == Constants.FOLLOW_MODE_PROPERTY_NAME:                 return Properties.follow_mode
    if property == Constants.FOLLOW_TARGET_OFFSET_PROPERTY_NAME:        return Properties.follow_target_offset_2D
    if property == Constants.FOLLOW_TARGET_PROPERTY_NAME:               return Properties.follow_target_path
    if property == Constants.FOLLOW_GROUP_PROPERTY_NAME:                return Properties.follow_group_paths

    if property == Constants.FOLLOW_PATH_PROPERTY_NAME:                 return Properties.follow_path_path

    if property == Constants.FOLLOW_FRAMED_DEAD_ZONE_HORIZONTAL_NAME:   return Properties.follow_framed_dead_zone_width
    if property == Constants.FOLLOW_FRAMED_DEAD_ZONE_VERTICAL_NAME:     return Properties.follow_framed_dead_zone_height
    if property == Constants.FOLLOW_VIEWFINDER_IN_PLAY_NAME:            return Properties.show_viewfinder_in_play

    if property == PIXEL_PERFECT_PROPERTY_NAME:                         return pixel_perfect

    if property == FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_AUTO:                              return follow_group_zoom_auto
    if property == FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MIN:                               return follow_group_zoom_min
    if property == FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MAX:                               return follow_group_zoom_max
    if property == FOLLOW_GROUP_ZOOM_MARGIN:                            return follow_group_zoom_margin

    if property == Constants.FOLLOW_DAMPING_NAME:                       return Properties.follow_has_damping
    if property == Constants.FOLLOW_DAMPING_VALUE_NAME:                 return Properties.follow_damping_value

    if property == Constants.TWEEN_RESOURCE_PROPERTY_NAME:              return Properties.tween_resource

    if property == Constants.INACTIVE_UPDATE_MODE_PROPERTY_NAME:        return Properties.inactive_update_mode
    if property == Constants.TWEEN_ONLOAD_NAME:                         return Properties.tween_onload

    if property == DRAW_LIMITS:                                         return draw_limits
    if property == LIMIT_LEFT:                                          return limit_left
    if property == LIMIT_TOP:                                           return limit_top
    if property == LIMIT_RIGHT:                                         return limit_right
    if property == LIMIT_BOTTOM:                                        return limit_bottom
    if property == LIMIT_NODE_PATH_PROPERTY_NAME:                       return limit_node_path
    if property == LIMIT_MARGIN_PROPERTY_NAME:                          return limit_margin
    if property == LIMIT_SMOOTHED:                                      return limit_smoothed

    if property == FRAME_PREVIEW:                                       return _frame_preview


#region _property_can_revert

func _property_can_revert(property: StringName) -> bool:
    match property:
        Constants.PRIORITY_OVERRIDE:                                    return true
        Constants.PRIORITY_PROPERTY_NAME:                               return true

        ZOOM_PROPERTY_NAME:                                             return true

        Constants.FOLLOW_TARGET_PROPERTY_NAME:                          return true
        Constants.FOLLOW_TARGET_OFFSET_PROPERTY_NAME:                   return true

        Constants.FOLLOW_FRAMED_DEAD_ZONE_HORIZONTAL_NAME:              return true
        Constants.FOLLOW_FRAMED_DEAD_ZONE_VERTICAL_NAME:                return true
        Constants.FOLLOW_VIEWFINDER_IN_PLAY_NAME:                       return true

        Constants.FOLLOW_DAMPING_NAME:                                  return true
        Constants.FOLLOW_DAMPING_VALUE_NAME:                            return true

        Constants.INACTIVE_UPDATE_MODE_PROPERTY_NAME:                   return true
        Constants.TWEEN_ONLOAD_NAME:                                    return true

        PIXEL_PERFECT_PROPERTY_NAME:                                    return true

        DRAW_LIMITS:                                                    return true
        LIMIT_LEFT:                                                     return true
        LIMIT_TOP:                                                      return true
        LIMIT_RIGHT:                                                    return true
        LIMIT_BOTTOM:                                                   return true
        LIMIT_NODE_PATH_PROPERTY_NAME:                                  return true
        LIMIT_MARGIN_PROPERTY_NAME:                                     return true
        LIMIT_SMOOTHED:                                                 return true

        FRAME_PREVIEW:                                                  return true

            return false


#region _property_get_revert

func _property_get_revert(property: StringName):
    match property:
        Constants.PRIORITY_OVERRIDE:                                    return false
        Constants.PRIORITY_PROPERTY_NAME:                               return 0

        ZOOM_PROPERTY_NAME:                                             return Vector2.ONE

        Constants.FOLLOW_TARGET_PROPERTY_NAME:                          return NodePath()
        Constants.FOLLOW_TARGET_OFFSET_PROPERTY_NAME:                   return Vector2.ZERO

        Constants.FOLLOW_FRAMED_DEAD_ZONE_HORIZONTAL_NAME:              return 0.5
        Constants.FOLLOW_FRAMED_DEAD_ZONE_VERTICAL_NAME:                return 0.5
        Constants.FOLLOW_VIEWFINDER_IN_PLAY_NAME:                       return false

        Constants.FOLLOW_DAMPING_NAME:                                  return false
        Constants.FOLLOW_DAMPING_VALUE_NAME:                            return 10.0

        Constants.INACTIVE_UPDATE_MODE_PROPERTY_NAME:                   return Constants.InactiveUpdateMode.ALWAYS
        Constants.TWEEN_ONLOAD_NAME:                                    return true

        PIXEL_PERFECT_PROPERTY_NAME:                                    return false

        DRAW_LIMITS:                                                    return true
        LIMIT_LEFT:                                                     return -10000000
        LIMIT_TOP:                                                      return -10000000
        LIMIT_RIGHT:                                                    return 10000000
        LIMIT_BOTTOM:                                                   return 10000000
        LIMIT_NODE_PATH_PROPERTY_NAME:                                  return NodePath()
        LIMIT_MARGIN_PROPERTY_NAME:                                     return Vector4i.ZERO
        LIMIT_SMOOTHED:                                                 return false

        FRAME_PREVIEW:                                                  return true


#region Private Functions

func _enter_tree() -> void:
    Properties.is_2D = true


func _exit_tree() -> void:
    if _has_valid_pcam_owner():


func _process(delta: float) -> void:
    if not Properties.is_active:
        match Properties.inactive_update_mode:
                # Only triggers if limit isn't default
                if limit_inactive_pcam:
#           Constants.InactiveUpdateMode.EXPONENTIALLY:
#               TODO

    if not Properties.should_follow: return

    match Properties.follow_mode:
            if Properties.follow_target_node:
                _set_pcam_global_position(Properties.follow_target_node.get_global_position(), delta)
            if Properties.follow_target_node:
                _set_pcam_global_position(_target_position_with_offset(), delta)
            if Properties.has_follow_group:
                if Properties.follow_group_nodes_2D.size() == 1:
                    _set_pcam_global_position(Properties.follow_group_nodes_2D[0].get_global_position(), delta)
                    var rect: Rect2 = Rect2(Properties.follow_group_nodes_2D[0].get_global_position(), Vector2.ZERO)
                    for node in Properties.follow_group_nodes_2D:
                        rect = rect.expand(node.get_global_position())
                        if follow_group_zoom_auto:
                            rect = rect.grow_individual(
#                       else:
#                           rect = rect.grow_individual(-80, 0, 0, 0)
                    if follow_group_zoom_auto:
                        var screen_size: Vector2 = get_viewport_rect().size
                        if rect.size.x > rect.size.y * screen_size.aspect():
                            camera_zoom = clamp(screen_size.x / rect.size.x, follow_group_zoom_min, follow_group_zoom_max) * Vector2.ONE
                            camera_zoom = clamp(screen_size.y / rect.size.y, follow_group_zoom_min, follow_group_zoom_max) * Vector2.ONE
                    _set_pcam_global_position(rect.get_center(), delta)
                if Properties.follow_target_node and Properties.follow_path_node:
                    var path_position: Vector2 = Properties.follow_path_node.get_global_position()
                            Properties.follow_target_node.get_global_position() - path_position
                        ) + path_position,
            if Properties.follow_target_node:
                if not Engine.is_editor_hint():
                    Properties.viewport_position = (get_follow_target_node().get_global_transform_with_canvas().get_origin() + Properties.follow_target_offset_2D) / get_viewport_rect().size

                    if Properties.get_framed_side_offset() != Vector2.ZERO:
                        var glo_pos: Vector2

                        var target_position: Vector2 = _target_position_with_offset() + _camera_offset
                        var dead_zone_width: float = Properties.follow_framed_dead_zone_width
                        var dead_zone_height: float = Properties.follow_framed_dead_zone_height

                        if dead_zone_width == 0 || dead_zone_height == 0:
                            if dead_zone_width == 0 && dead_zone_height != 0:
                                _set_pcam_global_position(_target_position_with_offset(), delta)
                            elif dead_zone_width != 0 && dead_zone_height == 0:
                                glo_pos = _target_position_with_offset()
                                glo_pos.x += target_position.x - global_position.x
                                _set_pcam_global_position(glo_pos, delta)
                                _set_pcam_global_position(_target_position_with_offset(), delta)
                            _set_pcam_global_position(target_position, delta)
                        _camera_offset = get_global_position() - _target_position_with_offset()
                    _set_pcam_global_position(_target_position_with_offset(), delta)

func _set_pcam_global_position(_global_position: Vector2, delta: float) -> void:
    if limit_inactive_pcam and not Properties.has_tweened:
        _global_position = _set_limit_clamp_position(_global_position)

    if Properties.follow_has_damping:
                delta * Properties.follow_damping_value

func _set_limit_clamp_position(value: Vector2) -> Vector2i:
    var camera_frame_rect_size: Vector2 = _camera_frame_rect().size
    value.x = clampf(value.x, _limit_sides.x + camera_frame_rect_size.x / 2, _limit_sides.z - camera_frame_rect_size.x / 2)
    value.y = clampf(value.y, _limit_sides.y + camera_frame_rect_size.y / 2, _limit_sides.w - camera_frame_rect_size.y / 2)
    return value

func _draw():
    if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): return

    if _frame_preview or not is_active():
        var screen_size_width: int = ProjectSettings.get_setting("display/window/size/viewport_width")
        var screen_size_height: int = ProjectSettings.get_setting("display/window/size/viewport_height")
        var screen_size_zoom: Vector2 = Vector2(screen_size_width / get_zoom().x, screen_size_height / get_zoom().y)

        draw_rect(_camera_frame_rect(), Color("3ab99a"), false, 2)

func _camera_frame_rect() -> Rect2:
    var screen_size_width: int = ProjectSettings.get_setting("display/window/size/viewport_width")
    var screen_size_height: int = ProjectSettings.get_setting("display/window/size/viewport_height")
    var screen_size_zoom: Vector2 = Vector2(screen_size_width / get_zoom().x, screen_size_height / get_zoom().y)

    return Rect2(-screen_size_zoom / 2, screen_size_zoom)

func _notification(what):
        if Engine.is_editor_hint(): # Used for updating Limit when a CollisionShape2D is applied
            if not is_active():

func _on_tile_map_changed() -> void:

func _target_position_with_offset() -> Vector2:
    return Properties.follow_target_node.get_global_position() + Properties.follow_target_offset_2D

func _has_valid_pcam_owner() -> bool:
    if not is_instance_valid(get_pcam_host_owner()): return false
    if not is_instance_valid(get_pcam_host_owner().camera_2D): return false
    return true

func _draw_camera_2d_limit() -> void:
    if _has_valid_pcam_owner():

func _check_limit_is_not_default() -> void:
    if _limit_sides == _limit_sides_default:
        limit_inactive_pcam = false
        limit_inactive_pcam = true

func _set_camera_2d_limit(side: int, limit: int) -> void:
    if not _has_valid_pcam_owner(): return
    if not is_active(): return
    get_pcam_host_owner().camera_2D.set_limit(side, limit)


#region Public Functions

func update_limit_all_sides() -> void:
    var limit_node = get_node_or_null(limit_node_path)

    var limit_rect: Rect2

    if not is_instance_valid(limit_node):
        _limit_sides.y = limit_top
        _limit_sides.x = limit_left
        _limit_sides.z = limit_right
        _limit_sides.w = limit_bottom
    elif limit_node is TileMap:
        print("it is tilemap")
        var tile_map: TileMap = limit_node as TileMap
        var tile_map_size: Vector2 = Vector2(tile_map.get_used_rect().size) * Vector2(tile_map.tile_set.tile_size) * tile_map.get_scale()
        var tile_map_position: Vector2 = tile_map.get_global_position() + Vector2(tile_map.get_used_rect().position) * Vector2(tile_map.tile_set.tile_size) * tile_map.get_scale()

        ## Calculates the Rect2 based on the Tile Map position and size
        limit_rect = Rect2(tile_map_position, tile_map_size)
        ## Calculates the Rect2 based on the Tile Map position and size + margin
        limit_rect = Rect2(
            limit_rect.position + Vector2(limit_margin.x, limit_margin.y),
            limit_rect.size - Vector2(limit_margin.x, limit_margin.y) - Vector2(limit_margin.z, limit_margin.w)


        # Left
        _limit_sides.x = roundi(limit_rect.position.x)
        # Top
        _limit_sides.y = roundi(limit_rect.position.y)
        # Right
        _limit_sides.z = roundi(limit_rect.position.x + limit_rect.size.x)
        # Bottom
        _limit_sides.w = roundi(limit_rect.position.y + limit_rect.size.y)
    elif limit_node is CollisionShape2D:
        var collision_shape_2d = limit_node as CollisionShape2D

        if not collision_shape_2d.get_shape(): return

        var shape_2d: Shape2D = collision_shape_2d.get_shape()
        var shape_2d_size: Vector2 = shape_2d.get_rect().size
        var shape_2d_position: Vector2 = collision_shape_2d.get_global_position() + Vector2(shape_2d.get_rect().position)

        ## Calculates the Rect2 based on the Tile Map position and size
        limit_rect = Rect2(shape_2d_position, shape_2d_size)

        ## Calculates the Rect2 based on the Tile Map position and size + margin
        limit_rect = Rect2(
            limit_rect.position + Vector2(limit_margin.x, limit_margin.y),
            limit_rect.size - Vector2(limit_margin.x, limit_margin.y) - Vector2(limit_margin.z, limit_margin.w)

        # Left
        _limit_sides.x = roundi(limit_rect.position.x)
        # Top
        _limit_sides.y = roundi(limit_rect.position.y)
        # Right
        _limit_sides.z = roundi(limit_rect.position.x + limit_rect.size.x)
        # Bottom
        _limit_sides.w = roundi(limit_rect.position.y + limit_rect.size.y)


    if is_active() and _has_valid_pcam_owner():
        _set_camera_2d_limit(SIDE_LEFT, _limit_sides.x)
        _set_camera_2d_limit(SIDE_TOP, _limit_sides.y)
        _set_camera_2d_limit(SIDE_RIGHT, _limit_sides.z)
        _set_camera_2d_limit(SIDE_BOTTOM, _limit_sides.w)

func reset_limit_all_sides() -> void:
    _set_camera_2d_limit(SIDE_LEFT, -_limit_default)
    _set_camera_2d_limit(SIDE_TOP, -_limit_default)
    _set_camera_2d_limit(SIDE_RIGHT, _limit_default)
    _set_camera_2d_limit(SIDE_BOTTOM, _limit_default)


#region Setter & Getter Functions

## Assigns the PhantomCamera2D to a new PhantomCameraHost.
func assign_pcam_host() -> void:
## Gets the current PhantomCameraHost this PhantomCamera2D is assigned to.
func get_pcam_host_owner() -> PhantomCameraHost:
    return Properties.pcam_host_owner

## Assigns new Zoom value.
func set_zoom(value: Vector2) -> void:
    camera_zoom = value
## Gets current Zoom value.
func get_zoom() -> Vector2:
    return camera_zoom

## Assigns new Priority value.
func set_priority(value: int) -> void:
    Properties.set_priority(value, self)
## Gets current Priority value.
func get_priority() -> int:
    return Properties.priority

## Assigns a new PhantomCameraTween resource to the PhantomCamera2D
func set_tween_resource(value: PhantomCameraTween) -> void:
    Properties.tween_resource = value
## Gets the PhantomCameraTween resource assigned to the PhantomCamera2D
## Returns null if there's nothing assigned to it.
func get_tween_resource() -> PhantomCameraTween:
    return Properties.tween_resource

## Assigns a new Tween Duration value. The duration value is in seconds.
## Note: This will override and make the Tween Resource unique to this PhantomCamera2D.
func set_tween_duration(value: float) -> void:
    if get_tween_resource():
        Properties.tween_resource_default.duration = value
        Properties.tween_resource_default.transition = Properties.tween_resource.transition
        Properties.tween_resource_default.ease = Properties.tween_resource.ease
        set_tween_resource(null) # Clears resource from PCam instance
        Properties.tween_resource_default.duration = value
## Gets the current Tween Duration value. The duration value is in seconds.
func get_tween_duration() -> float:
    if get_tween_resource():
        return get_tween_resource().duration
        return Properties.tween_resource_default.duration

## Assigns a new Tween Transition value.
## Note: This will override and make the Tween Resource unique to this PhantomCamera2D.
func set_tween_transition(value: Constants.TweenTransitions) -> void:
    if get_tween_resource():
        Properties.tween_resource_default.duration = Properties.tween_resource.duration
        Properties.tween_resource_default.transition = value
        Properties.tween_resource_default.ease = Properties.tween_resource.ease
        set_tween_resource(null) # Clears resource from PCam instance
        Properties.tween_resource_default.transition = value
## Gets the current Tween Transition value.
func get_tween_transition() -> int:
    if get_tween_resource():
        return get_tween_resource().transition
        return Properties.tween_resource_default.transition

## Assigns a new Tween Ease value.
## Note: This will override and make the Tween Resource unique to this PhantomCamera2D.
func set_tween_ease(value: Constants.TweenEases) -> void:
    if get_tween_resource():
        Properties.tween_resource_default.duration = Properties.tween_resource.duration
        Properties.tween_resource_default.transition = Properties.tween_resource.ease
        Properties.tween_resource_default.ease = value
        set_tween_resource(null) # Clears resource from PCam instance
        Properties.tween_resource_default.ease = value
## Gets the current Tween Ease value.
func get_tween_ease() -> int:
    if get_tween_resource():
        return get_tween_resource().ease
        return Properties.tween_resource_default.ease

## Gets current active state of the PhantomCamera2D.
## If it returns true, it means the PhantomCamera2D is what the Camera2D is currently following.
func is_active() -> bool:
    return Properties.is_active

## Enables or disables the Tween on Load.
func set_tween_on_load(value: bool) -> void:
    Properties.tween_onload = value
## Gets the current Tween On Load value.
func is_tween_on_load() -> bool:
    return Properties.tween_onload

## Gets the current follow mode as an enum int based on Constants.FOLLOW_MODE enum.
## Note: Setting Follow Mode purposely not added. A separate PCam should be used instead.
func get_follow_mode() -> int:
    return Properties.follow_mode

## Assigns a new Node2D as the Follow Target property.
func set_follow_target_node(value: Node2D) -> void:
    Properties.follow_target_node = value
    Properties.should_follow = true
## Erases the current Node2D from the Follow Target property.
func erase_follow_target_node() -> void:
    Properties.should_follow = false
    Properties.follow_target_node = null
## Gets the current Node2D target property.
func get_follow_target_node():
    if Properties.follow_target_node:
        return Properties.follow_target_node
        printerr("No Follow Target Node assigned")

## Assigns a new Path2D to the Follow Path property.
func set_follow_path(value: Path2D) -> void:
    Properties.follow_path_node = value
## Erases the current Path2D from the Follow Path property.
func erase_follow_path() -> void:
    Properties.follow_path_node = null
## Gets the current Path2D from the Follow Path property.
func get_follow_path():
    if Properties.follow_path_node:
        return Properties.follow_path_node
        printerr("No Follow Path assigned")

## Assigns a new Vector2 for the Follow Target Offset property.
func set_follow_target_offset(value: Vector2) -> void:
    Properties.follow_target_offset_2D = value
## Gets the current Vector2 for the Follow Target Offset property.
func get_follow_target_offset() -> Vector2:
    return Properties.follow_target_offset_2D

## Enables or disables Follow Damping.
func set_follow_has_damping(value: bool) -> void:
    Properties.follow_has_damping = value
## Gets the current Follow Damping property.
func get_follow_has_damping() -> bool:
    return Properties.follow_has_damping

## Assigns new Damping value.
func set_follow_damping_value(value: float) -> void:
    Properties.follow_damping_value = value
## Gets the current Follow Damping value.
func get_follow_damping_value() -> float:
    return Properties.follow_damping_value

## Enables or disables Pixel Perfect following.
func set_pixel_perfect(value: bool) -> void:
    pixel_perfect = value
## Gets the current Pixel Perfect property.
func get_pixel_perfect() -> bool:
    return pixel_perfect

## Adds a single Node2D to Follow Group array.
func append_follow_group_node(value: Node2D) -> void:
    if not Properties.follow_group_nodes_2D.has(value):
        Properties.should_follow = true
        Properties.has_follow_group = true
        printerr(value, " is already part of Follow Group")
## Adds an Array of type Node2D to Follow Group array.
func append_follow_group_node_array(value: Array[Node2D]) -> void:
    for val in value:
        if not Properties.follow_group_nodes_2D.has(val):
            Properties.should_follow = true
            Properties.has_follow_group = true
            printerr(val, " is already part of Follow Group")
## Removes Node2D from Follow Group array.
func erase_follow_group_node(value: Node2D) -> void:
    if Properties.follow_group_nodes_2D.size() < 1:
        Properties.should_follow = false
        Properties.has_follow_group = false
## Gets all Node2D from Follow Group array.
func get_follow_group_nodes() -> Array[Node2D]:
    return Properties.follow_group_nodes_2D

## Enables or disables Auto zoom when using Group Follow.
func set_auto_zoom(value: bool) -> void:
    follow_group_zoom_auto = value
## Gets Auto Zoom state.
func get_auto_zoom() -> bool:
    return follow_group_zoom_auto

## Assigns new Min Auto Zoom value.
func set_min_auto_zoom(value: float) -> void:
    follow_group_zoom_min = value
## Gets Min Auto Zoom value.
func get_min_auto_zoom() -> float:
    return follow_group_zoom_min

## Assigns new Max Auto Zoom value.
func set_max_auto_zoom(value: float) -> void:
    follow_group_zoom_max = value
## Gets Max Auto Zoom value.
func get_max_auto_zoom() -> float:
    return follow_group_zoom_max

## Assigns new Zoom Auto Margin value.
func set_zoom_auto_margin(value: Vector4) -> void:
    follow_group_zoom_margin = value
## Gets Zoom Auto Margin value.
func get_zoom_auto_margin() -> Vector4:
    return follow_group_zoom_margin

## Assign a the Camera2D Limit Side value.
func set_limit(side: int, value: int) -> void:
    if not limit_node_path.is_empty():
        printerr("Unable to set Limit Side due to Limit Node, ", get_node(limit_node_path).name,  ", being assigned")
        match side:
            SIDE_LEFT:      limit_left = value
            SIDE_TOP:       limit_top = value
            SIDE_RIGHT:     limit_right = value
            SIDE_BOTTOM:    limit_bottom = value
            _:              printerr("Not a valid Side parameter.")
## Gets the Camera2D Limit value.
func get_limit(side: int) -> int:
    match side:
        SIDE_LEFT:      return limit_left
        SIDE_TOP:       return limit_top
        SIDE_RIGHT:     return limit_right
        SIDE_BOTTOM:    return limit_bottom
                        printerr("Not a valid Side parameter.")
                        return -1

# Set Tile Map Limit Node.
func set_limit_node(value: Node2D) -> void:
## Get Tile Map Limit Node
func get_limit_node() -> Node2D:
    if not get_node_or_null(limit_node_path):
        printerr("No Tile Map Limit Node set")
        return null
    return get_node(limit_node_path)

## Set Tile Map Limit Margin.
func set_limit_margin(value: Vector4) -> void:
    limit_margin = value
## Get Tile Map Limit Margin.
func get_limit_margin() -> Vector4:
    return limit_margin

## Enables or disables the Limit Smoothing beaviour.
func set_limit_smoothing_enabled(value: bool) -> void:
    limit_smoothed = value
    if is_active() and _has_valid_pcam_owner():
## Returns the Limit Smoothing beaviour.
func get_limit_smoothing_enabled() -> bool:
    return limit_smoothed

## Gets Interactive Update Mode property.
func get_inactive_update_mode() -> String:
    return Constants.InactiveUpdateMode.keys()[Properties.inactive_update_mode].capitalize()

ramokz commented 8 months ago

Honestly, this issue is very unlikely to be addressed before 0.7, unless there's a very simple solution to merge in, as that release will refactor the entire property system.

From my testing in the 0.7 branch so far, it does appear to be working whenever I export the 2D limit example scene. So all things point to being resolved in the next release.

SaadTheGlad commented 6 months ago

Honestly, this issue is very unlikely to be addressed before 0.7, unless there's a very simple solution to merge in, as that release will refactor the entire property system.

From my testing in the 0.7 branch so far, it does appear to be working whenever I export the 2D limit example scene. So all things point to being resolved in the next release.

Do you have a release date planned for 0.7? Faced this issue again and came here once more to see if there was a workaround.

ramokz commented 6 months ago

Do you have a release date planned for 0.7? Faced this issue again and came here once more to see if there was a workaround.

Not a date that I can commit to as there's still some work, unrelated to this, and lots of documentation to rewrite to do still. You can, however, grab the 0.7 branch and use that if you need the fix urgently. Do note that there isn't any external documentation for it yet, and it will break any existing addon setup.

ramokz commented 5 months ago

0.7 release is now out, have done several exports and can't replicate the issue any more.

Before closing the issue, is anyone else able to verify that they can export a scene with 2D Limit working?

GrogsyShovel commented 5 months ago

Can confirm - It's working for me! Thank you!

ramokz commented 5 months ago

Fantastic! Thanks for confirming.

Closing issue.