ramp4-pcar4 / ramp4-pcar4

RAMP 4 - The Reusable Accessible Mapping Platform, fourth major version
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North Pole Marker doesn't appear in Firefox #1014

Open james-rae opened 2 years ago

james-rae commented 2 years ago

Open in Firefox. Go to Lambert basemap. Pan north. No flag sprite.

Happens in pre-Vite version as well.

No obvious console errors...css issue maybe?

james-rae commented 2 years ago

1016 fixes the immediate problem. However the root cause likely still exists.

My hunch is the flag would not draw because the original definition was treated as an image, but was actually encoded SVG tags.

To recreate the scenario, edit src/fixtures/northarrow/flag.json to have this value instead.

    "style": "icon",
    "width": 16.5,
    "height": 16.5,
    "icon": "",
    "xOffset": 7,
    "yOffset": 7