ramp4-pcar4 / story-ramp

Storytelling with interactive maps using RAMP
MIT License
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Transparency above the right-hand map/chart on mobile looks a little odd #445

Open dan-bowerman opened 1 month ago

dan-bowerman commented 1 month ago


Maps on Mobile - when scrolling through text, the map is not locked to the top and when user scrolls, they can see text above the map (messy looking)




Steps to reproduce

  1. Open any Storylines with a map or chart on the right (https://environmental-maps.canada.ca/RAMP-Storylines/index-ca-en.html#/en/1d11d1c0-8d99-404d-9e13-3135a4c8a196)
  2. Scroll to map, the map is pinned at the top for that slide
  3. Scroll some more, notice the "behind" contents appear above.

Expected behavior

I expect the map or chart to lock to the top so I cannot see text above the map that I have already read.