ramp4-pcar4 / storylines-editor

An editor for RAMP Storylines
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Changing ToC orientation only changes one language #448

Open spencerwahl opened 4 days ago

spencerwahl commented 4 days ago


If you change the ToC orientation after creating a storylines, the choice is only reflected in the config matching the editor's language.


Steps to reproduce

  1. Create new storyline
  2. Select horizontal ToC orientation
  3. Proceed to main editor
  4. Click on edit metadata and switch to vertical ToC
  5. Return to main editor
  6. Open english preview, see vertical ToC
  7. Switch to french with top right button, see horizontal ToC.

Expected behavior

The french config should also get changed

szczz commented 4 days ago

I agree that this should be the expected behaviour as we define the ToC orientation in the metadata, but is there a scenario where a storyline might need a vertical ToC in one lang and horizontal in the other?

Happy bug for a future use case? Should be fixed for now

yileifeng commented 4 days ago

Same case applies to including the return to top navigation