rampasek / GraphGPS

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Link broken for PCQM-Contact #48

Closed jiaqingxie closed 4 months ago

jiaqingxie commented 5 months ago

Hi. I found that the link for downloading PCQM-Contact seems to be broken, which is
self.url = 'https://datasets-public-research.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/PCQM4M/pcqm4m-contact.tsv.gz' at line 294 in pcqm4mv2_contact.py. Could you please check that? Thanks.

jiaqingxie commented 4 months ago

For the people who wants to use the pcqm4m-contact, use the following link instead: https://zenodo.org/records/6975830/files/pcqm4m-contact.tsv.gz

You could just copy and paste it to set the self.url as: sefl.url = 'https://zenodo.org/records/6975830/files/pcqm4m-contact.tsv.gz'