ramrompp / beepbeep

Frontend for Mepa-Store Market Ad Service.
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Story: Progress indicator on user operations #1

Open ramrompp opened 9 years ago

ramrompp commented 9 years ago

As a user I want to have a clear indicator of progress as I activate an operation So that I can be properly informed that my actions are being processed.

Scenario "search and list market ads": Given user wants to list and search market ads When user opens, refreshes or filters market ad card view And network connection is slow to backend service Then a progress indicator must be shown.

Scenario "delete market ad": Given user wants delete market ads When user activates market ad deletion And network connection is slow to backend service Then a progress indicator must be shown.

Scenario "add market ad": Given user wants add market ad When user submits a market ad And network connection is slow to backend service Then a progress indicator must be shown.