ramrompp / beepbeep

Frontend for Mepa-Store Market Ad Service.
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Story: Authentication and authorisation #2

Open ramrompp opened 9 years ago

ramrompp commented 9 years ago

As a user I want to log in to BeepBeep So that I can limit access to my market ads from other users And have more powerful management tools at my disposal

Scenario "filter market ads belonging to specific user": Given a user wants to search his market ads When he activates a user interface operation "Show only mine" Then nothing but all ads related to logged in user are shown.

Scenario "link created market ad to specific user": Given a user creates an add When all information are correct And user is logged in Then reference to logged in user should be added to created market ad

Scneario "allow only deletion of user specific ads" Given a user wants to delete a ad When user is logged in Then user should only be able to delete ads belonging to him/her