author_id: identifier of the clinician authoring the review, who may not be the ID specialist making the review decision
reviewer_id: ID specialist making the review decision
patient_id: identifier of the patient taking antimicrobials
prescription_id: identifier of the antimicrobial prescription under review
prescription_therapeutic_intent: reviewer's understanding of the prescription therapeutic intent (see #21). May need to be column store?
compliance_guidelines: true | false whether the regimen complies with antibiotic prescription guidelines
compliance_guidelines_comment: freetext for comment or justification for non-compliance with guidelines (eg: directed therapy as per microbiology sample results)
prescription_clinical indication: reviewer's understanding of the prescription clinical indication (see #21). May need to be column store?
true | false
whether the regimen complies with antibiotic prescription guidelines"stop" | "change" | "continue"
FHIR artefacts Plan, GuidanceResponse, ClinicalImpression are related.