ramyma / a8r8

A8R8 (Alternate Reality), an opinionated interface for Stable Diffusion image generation, and more.
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Funky elixir web server won't start #22

Open aolko opened 2 months ago

aolko commented 2 months ago

wsl2, mirrored mode

10:11:13.427 [error] Running ExSdWeb.Endpoint with Bandit 1.5.5 at http failed, port 4000 already in use
10:11:13.427 [notice] Application ex_sd exited: ExSd.Application.start(:normal, []) returned an error: shutdown: failed to start child: ExSdWeb.Endpoint
    ** (EXIT) shutdown: failed to start child: {ExSdWeb.Endpoint, :http}
        ** (EXIT) shutdown: failed to start child: :listener
            ** (EXIT) :eaddrinuse
** (exit) :terminating
    (kernel 10.0) application_controller.erl:511: :application_controller.call/2
    (kernel 10.0) application.erl:367: :application."-ensure_all_started/3-lc$^0/1-0-"/1
    (kernel 10.0) application.erl:367: :application.ensure_all_started/3
    (mix 1.17.1) lib/mix/tasks/app.start.ex:72: Mix.Tasks.App.Start.start/3
    (mix 1.17.1) lib/mix/task.ex:495: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Task.run_task/5
    (mix 1.17.1) lib/mix/tasks/run.ex:129: Mix.Tasks.Run.run/5
    (mix 1.17.1) lib/mix/tasks/run.ex:85: Mix.Tasks.Run.run/1
    (mix 1.17.1) lib/mix/task.ex:495: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Task.run_task/5

in NAT mode localhost:4000 is inaccessible entirely (connectionfailure)

ramyma commented 2 months ago

By default it resolves with the WSL asigned address.

I suppose in mirrored mode you can set localhost with the appropriate port number under user.sh.

You'll have to uncomment the line for AUTO1111 if using Automatic1111 or Forge, and COMFY for ComfyUI.

Let me know how it goes, or if you need further clarification.