ramyothman / ngx-grid-stack

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DisableResize doesn't work #2

Open milanstamenkovic opened 5 years ago

milanstamenkovic commented 5 years ago

options = { animate: true, cellHeight: '80px', float: false, height: 0, resizable: false, disableResize: true, width: 12, };

disableResize property doesn't do anything.

Also what is causing problems is that class: export declare class GridStackOptions { acceptWidgets: boolean; alwaysShowResizeHandle: boolean; animate: boolean; auto: boolean; cellHeight: string; ddPlugin: boolean; disableDrag: boolean; disableResize: boolean; draggable: boolean; handle: string; handleClass: string; height: number; float: boolean; itemClass: string; minWidth: string; disableOneColumnMode: boolean; oneColumnModeClass: string; placeholderClass: string; placeholderText: string; resizable: boolean; removable: boolean; removeTimeout: number; rtl: string; staticGrid: boolean; verticalMargin: number; width: number; } requests all properties to be set, so you cannot use this class for typed options object. It should be something like export class GridStackOptions { acceptWidgets?: boolean; alwaysShowResizeHandle?: boolean; ... }