ramzan / DiceGainz

A random workout generator for Android.
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 1 forks source link

Automate more of General Gainz #8

Open Efruit opened 3 years ago

Efruit commented 3 years ago

It would be nice for the app to help track the rest of GG:

On a related note, it might be a good idea to include a short tutorial on the GG routine itself.

ramzan commented 3 years ago

Hey thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, my intention for this app is generating workouts only, not tracking. This person on Reddit is currently working on a new GZCL app, perhaps you could reach out to him about GG support.

As for a tutorial, I've linked the original GG Reddit post in the About section. If you wanna make a summary or shorter explanation, I'll gladly include it in the app.

Efruit commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, my intention for this app is generating workouts only, not tracking.

Honestly, tracking the actual weight is unimportant and more of a wishlist idea; it wouldn't do anything a notebook can't. The important idea is to guide a user who might not be familiar with GG through the routine.

I (somewhat haphazardly) put together wireframe based off the app screenshots to demonstrate what I mean:


(Read from left to right, top to bottom)

  1. User rolls for a lift. The app selects a T2 Deadlift 10RM.
  2. The user performs 10 reps, and selects the appropriate dot (color-coded by sub-par, good, goal status for that RM. Since this is a T2, I don't think ranges are specified, but I included it for demonstration's sake)
  3. The app prompts for the set's difficulty.
  4. The user selects moderate.
  5. The app provides a timer between the main set and the followups.
  6. The timer elapses, and the app provides dots for the user to enter its followup set.
  7. The user selects 4 reps. The app allows the user to add additional followup sets up to GG's limit.
  8. The app starts a timer, using the T2 followup set time.
  9. The app displays the next set bar.
  10. The user completes 2 reps.
  11. The user hits "Next".
  12. The app evaluates the lift and suggests the user's action based on the data entered. In this case, it recommends they hold at that weight. The app rolls the next lift.

I'm not 100% sure I got the specifics right, as I've had a hard time figuring out exactly what GG entails (...hence the issue!)

For a less interactive approach, it would also be viable to identify which tier the roll is, and provide a short summary pop-up with basic information about that tier, and the RM rolled.

(Again, hasty wireframe)

dg-wireframe 2

  1. User rolls a Deadlift 10RM. Not know what to do, he taps the highlighted "T2 10RM" button.
  2. The app pops up a box with basic information about what GG requires for the rolled lift. (Again, I don't know if there are rep ranges for T2s, but a version from a T1 6RM included for demonstration.)
ramzan commented 3 years ago

Interesting ideas. The way I see it, a user who understands how GG works wouldn't have much use for these features. Likewise, someone unfamiliar with GG would need these features for only a little while before they would outgrow them. Having a small tutorial section to get users up to speed on GG principles would eliminate the need for these features, don't you think?

Efruit commented 3 years ago

The way I see it, a user who understands how GG works wouldn't have much use for these features.

Neither proposal would prevent competent users from using the app as they have been. They maintain the option of using the app as-is, and new users have a guide to help get them to the point where they don't need the helpers, or where they can continue to use them as a way to make following GG easier.

(For the first proposal, I failed to make it clear that the "Next" button is meant to be available for the entire flow. The highlighting in step 11 was meant to indicate the user pressed it, not that it's only unlocked after completing step 10; it was not intended to be mandatory.)

Likewise, someone unfamiliar with GG would need these features for only a little while before they would outgrow them.

First, it is possible that people will find the app without understanding that it's meant to go with a particular routine. I found the app through F-Droid, and my first impression from the app was that you do one set of N reps at the best weight you can, and you're done. Eventually I found and read the actual routine, and here we are. I can't say whether I'm more or less diligent than the average user, but IMO it's worth considering that there may be users who similarly misinterpret it.

Secondly, it serves to reduce the mental load of following GG. We carry around these machines designed for the express purposes of following programs (in the digital sense), why not let it handle the easily-automated parts of our other routines? Like a calculator to math classes, this could relieve some of the rote portions of learning of a routine.

Having a small tutorial section to get users up to speed on GG principles would eliminate the need for these features, don't you think?

I believe it's better to show than to tell, but I suppose it's a matter of preference.

ramzan commented 3 years ago

OK, how's this: we'll use your second idea with the popup, and have a question mark/info icon in the app bar which leads to an explanation of the program in general, with a link to the original program.

Efruit commented 3 years ago

That absolutely works. Might be a good idea to bring the general explanation up on first launch, but that could go either way.

ramzan commented 3 years ago

It's gonna be a while until I can get around to doing this. In the meantime, here's an image you may find useful.

Efruit commented 3 years ago

That's fine, and thanks for the reference diagram!