ranaroussi / yfinance

Download market data from Yahoo! Finance's API
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can not find used cases or detailed description for each available function #1617

Open Sandy4321 opened 1 year ago

Sandy4321 commented 1 year ago

can not find used cases or detailed description for each available function it is pity , great code but how to use it?

import datetime import logging import json

import pandas as pd import numpy as np

from yfinance import utils, const from yfinance.data import TickerData from yfinance.exceptions import YFinanceException, YFNotImplementedError

class Fundamentals:

def __init__(self, data: TickerData, proxy=None):
    self._data = data
    self.proxy = proxy

    self._earnings = None
    self._financials = None
    self._shares = None

    self._financials_data = None
    self._fin_data_quote = None
    self._basics_already_scraped = False
    self._financials = Financials(data)

def financials(self) -> "Financials":
    return self._financials

def earnings(self) -> dict:
    if self._earnings is None:
        raise YFNotImplementedError('earnings')
    return self._earnings

def shares(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
    if self._shares is None:
        raise YFNotImplementedError('shares')
    return self._shares

class Financials: def init(self, data: TickerData): self._data = data self._income_time_series = {} self._balance_sheet_time_series = {} self._cash_flow_time_series = {}

def get_income_time_series(self, freq="yearly", proxy=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    res = self._income_time_series
    if freq not in res:
        res[freq] = self._fetch_time_series("income", freq, proxy=None)
    return res[freq]

def get_balance_sheet_time_series(self, freq="yearly", proxy=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    res = self._balance_sheet_time_series
    if freq not in res:
        res[freq] = self._fetch_time_series("balance-sheet", freq, proxy=None)
    return res[freq]

def get_cash_flow_time_series(self, freq="yearly", proxy=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    res = self._cash_flow_time_series
    if freq not in res:
        res[freq] = self._fetch_time_series("cash-flow", freq, proxy=None)
    return res[freq]

def _fetch_time_series(self, name, timescale, proxy=None):
    # Fetching time series preferred over scraping 'QuoteSummaryStore',
    # because it matches what Yahoo shows. But for some tickers returns nothing, 
    # despite 'QuoteSummaryStore' containing valid data.

    allowed_names = ["income", "balance-sheet", "cash-flow"]
    allowed_timescales = ["yearly", "quarterly"]

    if name not in allowed_names:
        raise ValueError("Illegal argument: name must be one of: {}".format(allowed_names))
    if timescale not in allowed_timescales:
        raise ValueError("Illegal argument: timescale must be one of: {}".format(allowed_names))

        statement = self._create_financials_table(name, timescale, proxy)

        if statement is not None:
            return statement
    except YFinanceException as e:
        utils.get_yf_logger().error("%s: Failed to create %s financials table for reason: %r", self._data.ticker, name, e)
    return pd.DataFrame()

def _create_financials_table(self, name, timescale, proxy):
    if name == "income":
        # Yahoo stores the 'income' table internally under 'financials' key
        name = "financials"

    keys = const.fundamentals_keys[name]

        return self.get_financials_time_series(timescale, keys, proxy)
    except Exception as e:

def get_financials_time_series(self, timescale, keys: list, proxy=None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    timescale_translation = {"yearly": "annual", "quarterly": "quarterly"}
    timescale = timescale_translation[timescale]

    # Step 2: construct url:
    ts_url_base = \
        "https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/ws/fundamentals-timeseries/v1/finance/timeseries/{0}?symbol={0}" \

    url = ts_url_base + "&type=" + ",".join([timescale + k for k in keys])
    # Yahoo returns maximum 4 years or 5 quarters, regardless of start_dt:
    start_dt = datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 31)
    end = pd.Timestamp.utcnow().ceil("D")
    url += "&period1={}&period2={}".format(int(start_dt.timestamp()), int(end.timestamp()))

    # Step 3: fetch and reshape data
    json_str = self._data.cache_get(url=url, proxy=proxy).text
    json_data = json.loads(json_str)
    data_raw = json_data["timeseries"]["result"]
    # data_raw = [v for v in data_raw if len(v) > 1] # Discard keys with no data
    for d in data_raw:
        del d["meta"]

    # Now reshape data into a table:
    # Step 1: get columns and index:
    timestamps = set()
    data_unpacked = {}
    for x in data_raw:
        for k in x.keys():
            if k == "timestamp":
                data_unpacked[k] = x[k]
    timestamps = sorted(list(timestamps))
    dates = pd.to_datetime(timestamps, unit="s")
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=dates, index=list(data_unpacked.keys()))
    for k, v in data_unpacked.items():
        if df is None:
            df = pd.DataFrame(columns=dates, index=[k])
        df.loc[k] = {pd.Timestamp(x["asOfDate"]): x["reportedValue"]["raw"] for x in v}

    df.index = df.index.str.replace("^" + timescale, "", regex=True)

    # Reorder table to match order on Yahoo website
    df = df.reindex([k for k in keys if k in df.index])
    df = df[sorted(df.columns, reverse=True)]

    return df
Sandy4321 commented 1 year ago

for example here https://algotrading101.com/learn/yfinance-guide/ we see many capabilities mentioned , but where is systematic description ?

rickturner2001 commented 1 year ago

@Sandy4321 In my opinion, the code is not complicated such that it needs documentation as you suggest. Functions that start with "_" are private, and shouould not be your concern, and the same goes for decorators. If you can understand those, than you can surely figure out how the API works.

As far as all the other functions like "get_income_time_series" and "get_balance_sheet_time_series", they are like, 5 lines of code with type annotations. Writing docs for those would definitely be overkill.

On the other hand, this is an open-source project, see something that's missing or not working properly? fix it and push the changes! (especially when it comes to writing docs that's usually a pain in the a$$)