ranaroussi / yfinance

Download market data from Yahoo! Finance's API
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help(yf.download) doesn't work #1909

Open Hugomer opened 1 month ago

Hugomer commented 1 month ago

Describe bug

I don't know if it is really a bug. help(yf.download) Or running df = yf.download(symbol, start, end) with shift tab doesn't give me the information about the function. The output is: Help on function wrapper in module yfinance.utils: wrapper(*args, **kwargs)

While if I do it for a different function help(yf.Ticker) it works. Any idea how to solve the issue? I did install yfinance by opening the terminal on mac and then pip install yfinance. Is it my fault or on yfinance side? I use yfinance-0.2.38. Tank you in advance

Simple code that reproduces your problem


Debug log

help(yf.download) gives:

Help on function wrapper in module yfinance.utils:

wrapper(*args, **kwargs)

Bad data proof

No response

yfinance version


Python version

Python 3.11.7

Operating system