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Forward PE Ratio incorrect #1911

Open juzz88 opened 1 month ago

juzz88 commented 1 month ago

When using ticker.info the Forward PE ratio is different to that on the yahoo finance website.

I think it comes from ticker.info giving the incorrect forwardEPS number, because CurrentPrice/forwardEPS from the dataset gives the forwardPEratio provided, it just doesn't reconcile with the website.

For example, AMD is currently showing a forwardPEratio of 26.61

Price = 146.64 "Forward EPS" = 5.51 146.64/5.51 = 26.61

But the website shows the Forward PE Ratio as 43.86.

Other websites also show AMD's Forward PE as in the 40's. 26 seems low by comparison.

NVDA and AMZN have the same issue, so I assume it is widespread.

alanbalbuena commented 2 weeks ago

I have the same problem