ranaroussi / yfinance

Download market data from Yahoo! Finance's API
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quarterly_earnings & get_earning not working #1948

Open mukalaaa opened 1 month ago

mukalaaa commented 1 month ago

Describe bug

I cannot get any earning data at all, I tried AAPL and other companies, I always get an error that is not implemented in yfinance. I appreciate any help about this

Simple code that reproduces your problem

import yfinance as yf

Define the ticker

ticker = '7010.SR'

Fetch the stock data

stock = yf.Ticker(ticker)

Get earnings data

earnings = stock.get_earnings()

Print earnings data


Debug log

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/alan/Desktop/Investments Website Project/youtube channels ideas/earnings.py", line 10, in earnings = stock.get_earnings() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/alan/Desktop/Investments Website Project/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/yfinance/base.py", line 292, in get_earnings data = self._fundamentals.earnings[freq] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/alan/Desktop/Investments Website Project/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/yfinance/scrapers/fundamentals.py", line 34, in earnings raise YFNotImplementedError('earnings') yfinance.exceptions.YFNotImplementedError: Have not implemented fetching 'earnings' from Yahoo API

Bad data proof

No response

yfinance version


Python version

No response

Operating system


ItzXyers commented 1 month ago

It appears that the scraper doesn't even try to provide the earnings: (yfinance.scrapers.fundamentals; lines 11-35)

class Fundamentals:

    def __init__(self, data: YfData, symbol: str, proxy=None):
        self._data = data
        self._symbol = symbol
        self.proxy = proxy

        # Earnings are never set - which is what's causing the error.
        self._earnings = None
        self._financials = None
        self._shares = None

        self._financials_data = None
        self._fin_data_quote = None
        self._basics_already_scraped = False
        self._financials = Financials(data, symbol)

    def financials(self) -> "Financials":
        return self._financials

    def earnings(self) -> dict:
        # And then this if statement is true, which throws the error.
        if self._earnings is None:
            raise YFNotImplementedError('earnings')
        return self._earnings

Which means that yfinance doesn’t support getting fundamentals at all.

If you're looking for alternatives; I know that the alpha_vantage library supports getting fundamental data. You are limited to 25 api requests/day, though.

Nela62 commented 1 day ago

Keep in mind that Alpha Vantage has incorrect data for revenue, income, and debt

ValueRaider commented 1 day ago

Which means that yfinance doesn’t support getting fundamentals at all.

Not fair. yfinance gets income, cashflow and balance sheet. Earnings in one of those.