ranaroussi / yfinance

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Financials data not working with some Brazilian Stocks #240

Closed henriquesss closed 1 year ago

henriquesss commented 4 years ago


It seems the financial statements (income statement, bal sheet, cashflow) are not coming as intended with specific tickers of bovespa.

When i run 'runtest.py', the script stop on this validations:

assert(ticker.info is not None and ticker.info != {}) assert(ticker.history(period="max").empty is False)

Does anyone already have a similar problem?

anonz322 commented 4 years ago

Hi! Can you provide a code sample to reproduce the error ?

henriquesss commented 4 years ago

from future import print_function import yfinance as yf import json import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime

net_revenue_lines = {"Tickers": [], "Lucro líquido": []}

def test_yfinance(): bovespa_tickers = [ "PETR4.SA", "VALE3.SA", "BOVA11.SA", "ITUB4.SA", "MGLU3.SA", "PETR3.SA" ]

for symbol in bovespa_tickers:
    ticker = yf.Ticker(symbol)

    # Checa se tem informação e histórico para tickers válidos
    assert(ticker.info is not None and ticker.info != {})
    assert(ticker.history(period="max").empty is False)

    # Categorias de dados dentro de cada ticker

    # Formatação do período
    date = "2019-12-31"
    date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
    date = datetime.strptime(date, date_format)

    # Dados da categoria "financials"
    # receita-liquida
    net_revenue = ticker.financials[date].loc["Net Income"]
    # gross_profit = ticker.financials.loc["Gross Profit"] #receita-bruta
    # ebit = ticker.financials.loc["Ebit"] #ebit
    # total_operation_expenses = ticker.financials.loc["Total Operating Expenses"] #Custo de operação total
    # cost_of_revenue = ticker.financials.loc["Cost Of Revenue"] #Custo de receita

    net_revenue_lines["Lucro líquido"].append(int(float(net_revenue)))


# Criação do dataframe
result_table = pd.DataFrame(net_revenue_lines)

better_filter = result_table.sort_values(by=["Lucro líquido"], ascending=False)
worst_filter = result_table.sort_values(by=["Lucro líquido"], ascending=True)



if name == "main": test_yfinance()

rodrigobercini commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if you are having the same issue as https://github.com/ranaroussi/yfinance/issues/191, but you might check it out just to be sure.

anonz322 commented 4 years ago

Interesting, I'm passing though both asserts (but I do have switched branch to https://github.com/ranaroussi/yfinance/pull/179 to correct major_holders issue)! Maybe worth giving it a try

henriquesss commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if you are having the same issue as #191, but you might check it out just to be sure.

I already had applied the modifications of that issue when i had mine :disappointed:


rodrigobercini commented 4 years ago

Hello @henriquesss, I think I finally found how to solve your issue. It seems that there were two specific problems in the base.py code. You can just install directly my fork via pip: pip install git+https://github.com/rodrigobercini/yfinance.git or follow the steps below.

1) First, apply this url fix.

This will fix the returning blank data frames issue, but another problem will arise: "Index out of range"

2) To fix that second issue, try this method

With those two steps, everything should be working fine. BUT one of your tickers is called "BOVA11.SA" and that's an ETF, so there are no financials for this ticker. Trying to fetch this data will result in an error. Simply remove this ticker from your tickers pool and the code must work.

I've just tried myself and it's working fine.


henriquesss commented 4 years ago

i clone your repository and tried with this list(only stocks this time hehe) and still not working with some tickers(RUMO3.SA, TBLE3.SA, SMLE3.SA, ESTC3.SA, KROT3.SA, CTIP3.SA, KLBN11.SA)

bovespa_tickers = [ 'BBAS3.SA', 'MRVE3.SA', 'BBSE3.SA', 'JBSS3.SA', 'WEGE3.SA', 'BBDC3.SA', 'CPFE3.SA', 'HGTX3.SA', 'CYRE3.SA', 'ENBR3.SA', 'BBDC4.SA', 'RADL3.SA', 'CIEL3.SA', 'CMIG4.SA', 'EQTL3.SA', 'HYPE3.SA', 'PETR4.SA', 'SBSP3.SA', 'BRML3.SA', 'LREN3.SA', 'CSAN3.SA', 'LAME4.SA', 'BRFS3.SA', 'UGPA3.SA', 'MRFG3.SA', 'ECOR3.SA', 'ABEV3.SA', 'SANB11.SA', 'GGBR4.SA', 'GOAU4.SA', 'RENT3.SA', 'USIM5.SA', 'QUAL3.SA', 'CPLE6.SA', 'PETR3.SA', 'BRKM5.SA', 'BRAP4.SA', 'BRPR3.SA', 'DTEX3.SA', 'ELET3.SA', 'ELET6.SA', 'GFSA3.SA', 'GOLL4.SA', 'POMO4.SA', 'MGLU3.SA', 'BIDI4.SA', 'VALE3.SA', 'RUMO3.SA', 'ITSA4.SA', 'TBLE3.SA', 'SMLE3.SA', 'CESP6.SA', 'CCRO3.SA', 'ITUB4.SA', 'ESTC3.SA', 'OIBR4.SA', 'MULT3.SA', 'NATU3.SA', 'VIVT4.SA', 'PCAR4.SA', 'KROT3.SA', 'EMBR3.SA' 'CTIP3.SA', 'TIMP3.SA', 'KLBN11.SA', 'SUZB5.SA', 'FIBR3.SA', 'VALE5.SA' ]

rodrigobercini commented 4 years ago

For the following tickers, it seems that their yahoo finance page has no data, perhaps the tickers are no longer available in Bovespa, it could be for many other reasons. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/TBLE3.SA https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/SMLE3.SA https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/RUMO3.SA https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/ESTC3.SA https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/KROT3.SA https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/CTIP3.SA

For Klabin, their holders' page is broken, so I added a "try" error handler when fetching the holders data to my fork https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/KLBN11.SA/holders

sambacode commented 4 years ago

you have to use Yahoo tickers, usually they are pretty similar, but sometimes not quite like it. when this happen look for the ticker in yahoo web page:

RUMO3.SA > RAIL3.SA TBLE3.SA > EGIE3.SA (changed name to Engie Brasil) SMLE3.SA > SMLS3.SA ESTC3.SA > EZTEC3.SA KROT3.SA > COGN3.SA (changed name to Cognus Educação) CTIP3.SA > B3SA3.SA (Cetip merged with BVMF, and recently became are B3

KLBN11.SA tiker is right but the code doesn't run (dont know why). I fixed adding a try in base.py, like in this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60469752/yfinance-tickerdata-info-not-working-for-some-stocks