rancher-sandbox / hypper

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Use a SAT solver to work out the dependency tree #139

Open mattfarina opened 3 years ago

viccuad commented 3 years ago

Our problem

The problem space is defined by a set of packages that depend on each other in various ways. A package is comprised of:

Also, not considered now but could be considered in the future:

Given a set of installed packages in the system, and a set of packages that we want to be installed, we want to know if there's a set of solutions to it, and which one is better. Or, we want to know if there is no solution, and why. This is a Satisfabiality problem that is NP-hard.

Some of these features of packages are a non-issue for resolving the dependency problem: namespaces are just part of what defines a package, pinned and manually installed packages just create a new hard constraint to be added, etc.

Pure SAT, MaxSAT, Pseudo-Boolean SAT problem?

In the past, dependency problems have been solved either by custom heuristics or by using a SAT solver and pruning results with ad-hoc heuristics after the resolution. Nowadays, more and more dependency problems are solved either by reducing the problem space (eg: go modules) or by using a SAT solver, with or without heuristics to help reduce the problem space.

In our case, we have several strategies we want to apply to our problem, some of which may be selected at run time. Given the amount of strategies and the constraints arising from our package definition, we will define our problem as a Pseudo-Boolean SAT one. This allows to specify weights on our statements, to implement our strategies, and allows for multicriteria optimization.

Also, since the expected number of charts installed in a cluster is going to be "low" (in the order of 10^1 instead of 10^3 or more that is normally seen for these problems), we may try to obtain more optimized solutions in a reasonable time. In addition, some solvers have the ability to return sub-optimal solutions as soon as they find them, without waiting for the optimal solution calculation.

How does an upgrade operation work in a pure SAT dependency problem?

On traditional Linux OS dependency problems, the satisfiability of the upgrades is checked after the fact that packages have entered the repositories. This is normally accomplished by running tools against the repositories. These can be SAT solvers, specific scheduled jobs (e.g: debcheck & paper, debgraph in Debian), CI jobs for default installations, CI jobs for upgrades between different distribution releases, etc, in addition to normal QA work. This is is also complemented by gating the package set through several repositories. E.g: OpenSUSE Factory -> Tumbleweed -> Leap, or Debian Unstable -> Testing -> Stable. On the distribution receiving new packages (OpenSUSE Factory, Debian Unstable), transient uninstallability problems are expected. These problems are increasingly exposed when the same package cannot be installed in several architectures. On the more stable distributions (Opensuse Leap, Debian Stable), it is expected that all or most of the installability problems have been found.

In Hypper's case, we want the possibility to depend on packages (Helm charts) outside of our curated repositories. Therefore, we would benefit from knowing if a system can be upgraded or not, regardless of our ability on curating the repositories. Hence, we use a SAT solver directly when performing those upgrades.


Not considered right now:

Encoding the Pseudo-Boolean Optimization problem

viccuad commented 3 years ago

Existing solver libraries in Golang that we considered

We want a MAXSAT/Pseudo-Boolean SAT solver library with ample feature support, good docs, good API, a thriving community, verbose output, in Golang, and with a compatible license that can be statically linked. We want a solver that is used in the field, updated continously with latest SAT improvements from SAT competitions. We want a solver that handles optimization problems (hence, a pseudo-boolean SAT solver).

Gini https://github.com/IRIFrance/gini

1 big known consumer, github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager. Only pure SAT CNF problems.

Luet https://github.com/mudler/luet https://github.com/mudler/luet

GPLv3. It defines a pure SAT problem (with constraints and literals inspired by OPIUM) (see https://github.com/mudler/luet/blob/master/pkg/solver/solver.go#L37-L54). It uses the pure SAT solving of gophersat, and, if there's some failure, it uses qlearning to recover (see https://github.com/mudler/luet/blob/master/pkg/solver/resolver.go). See also https://luet-lab.github.io/docs/docs/concepts/overview/constraints/.

go-sat https://github.com/mitchellh/go-sat

Pure SAT solver. Last developed 4 years ago. No known consumers.

saturday https://github.com/cespare/saturday

Pure SAT solver.

dpll https://github.com/bmatsuo/dpll

Pure SAT solver.

Go dep https://github.com/golang/dep/tree/master/gps

Deprecated, too tightly coupled with go modules.

vgo https://github.com/golang/go

Uses non-SAT solver heuristics: https://research.swtch.com/vgo-principles https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs

Non exported API, all under src/cmd/go/internal/{mod*,mvs}.

Selected implementation

Gophersat https://github.com/crillab/gophersat

No big known consumers, but several medium consumers (see https://github.com/search?q=gophersat&type=code). Solves pseudo-boolean, MAXSAT problems (e.g: efficiency problems). Provides sub-optimal solutions to PB/MaxSAT problems as soon as it finds them, without needing to wait for the optimal solution. We can then decide how much we want to wait for a solution. Last development Nov 2020. Announcement email 2017: https://groups.google.com/g/golang-nuts/c/SE1dNC8N46o/m/0drzp9jdAQAJ.

viccuad commented 3 years ago


https://research.swtch.com/version-sat https://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.07851.pdf

Examples of dependency problem as PB problem: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1007.1022.pdf (CC BY-ND 3.0, yet contains very minor errors) https://www.mancoosi.org/papers/ase10.pdf (another version of the previous paper, non CC) http://www.lifl.fr/LION9/presentation_orator/lion9.pdf https://ths.rwth-aachen.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/teaching/theses/grobelna_bachelor.pdf

https://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/documents/nanjing-leberre.pdf http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid=1BF7B2469673BA27F3F17649A156991E?doi= https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Libzypp_satsolver_basics https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Libzypp_satsolver_internals https://github.com/operator-framework/enhancements/blob/master/enhancements/operator-dependency-resolution.md

https://ranjitjhala.github.io/static/opium.pdf https://resources.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/rg1/conferences/vtsa09/slides/leberre1.pdf

https://arxiv.org/pdf/1007.1022.pdf?origin=publicationDetail https://github.com/operator-framework/enhancements/pull/7/files https://hal.inria.fr/hal-00697463/document

mattfarina commented 3 years ago

How we handle upgrading shared dependencies is something we should ask the charts folks in rancher. They may have some insight. The same goes for any of our assumptions. I pinged some folks on this case.

mattfarina commented 3 years ago

Minimize changes to installed packages (version bumps, values.yaml, CRD charts).

We should minimize changes to the installed packages. If a shared dependency is already present at an acceptable version we should continue running it at that version.

viccuad commented 3 years ago

We should minimize changes to the installed packages. If a shared dependency is already present at an acceptable version we should continue running it at that version.

For version bumps, that's easily doable, and should come for free: a "package" is defined by its version and chart, so asking for not bumping packages is asking to not install specific packages. For changes to values (and redeployments), we may need to include values to the package definition.

viccuad commented 3 years ago

Opened draft PR to be able to argue better than here in the comments: https://github.com/rancher-sandbox/hypper/pull/171.