rancher-sandbox / rancher-desktop

Container Management and Kubernetes on the Desktop
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Build latest moby and containerd packages #5958

Open jandubois opened 1 year ago

jandubois commented 1 year ago

The latest releases are only available from the edge repo, but they in turn depend on newer versions of other packages like musl as well. We do not want to update any other packages to arbitrary interim versions, so we need to build the selected packages using the target OS version.

This should also include mkcert, which we currently install from edge (but it is a statically linked Go binary, so doesn't depend on anything else).

jandubois commented 10 months ago

Re-opening (and removing the milestone) because we will still eventually need to build our own packages for containerd and moby. Otherwise we won't be able to switch to e.g. moby 25.* until Alpine 3.20 comes out.