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DockerCompose inside GoCD Agent #517

Open mariowise opened 7 years ago

mariowise commented 7 years ago

I'm working with the Rancher GoCD stack and I'm trying to run docker-compose in some stages. But it throws me this error

Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http://docker-engine:2375 - is it running?

The weird thing happens when I connect directly through ssh to the agent container and I try to run docker and I works perfectly. The problem happens only with docker-compose. I wonder if @rawmind0 might give me some hints in this path. Regards

disaster37 commented 7 years ago

Are you using the GoCD stack that provide server and agent ? Or the old stack (one stack for server and one stack for agent) ?

rawmind0 commented 7 years ago

Hi @mariowise ...

I think you are using new gocd stack created by @disaster37 , that include server, agent and dind (docker-engine), that seems it's failing...

Please, verify if docker-engine service is running properly and if docker daemon is listening, inside docker-engine container, at port 2375...

@disaster37 could give you some hints about.... :)


disaster37 commented 7 years ago

Hum, well,

what image version of GoCD you use ? Can you paste the docker-compose / rancher-compose of your stack (replace all password by XXX) ?

rawmind0 commented 7 years ago

Hi @mariowise, any update on that??