rancher / distros-test-framework

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Feature Request: We should be able to re-use AWS instances - instead of redeploying for every automation run #87

Open aganesh-suse opened 5 months ago

aganesh-suse commented 5 months ago

Currently for every automation test run - we deploy a new AWS setup and then run the k3s/rke2 install and tests on them.

There should be a way to say, provide IPs and the kubeconfig(only if re-using a pre-installed k3s/rke2) from the test options/tfvars and re-use the same for the next testrun.

We might need to think about, if the setup has a pre-installed k3s/rke2 - would we want to uninstall it first and then re-install k3s/rke2 before continuing the new test as well.

Have a deploy flag(default true) - which will be for deploying a new setup. If False, we provide IPs for the pre-existing setup. If kubeconfig was provided, we continue with the test without uninstall. if not, we uninstall k3s/rke2 and then continue with the test.

This will save the AWS costs significantly.

rancher-max commented 1 month ago

Possibly related, but a good start to this, would be https://github.com/rancher/qa-tasks/issues/566