rancher / elemental-ui

Rancher UI Plugin for Elemental
Apache License 2.0
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Display image creation date #240

Open anmazzotti opened 5 days ago

anmazzotti commented 5 days ago

Starting from elemental-operator 1.7.2, the ManagedOSVersion will have a new metadata created timestamp. This is in Unix time format. For example:

apiVersion: elemental.cattle.io/v1beta1
kind: ManagedOSVersion
  name: baremetal-v2.2.0-3.9-os
  namespace: fleet-default
    created: 1732636343
    displayName: SL Micro Baremetal 6.1 OS
      - linux/x86_64
      - linux/aarch64
    upgradeImage: registry.suse.com/suse/sl-micro/6.1/baremetal-os-container:2.2.0-3.9
  type: container
  version: v2.2.0-3.9

It would be nice if we can somehow display this timestamp in a human readable format when listing the ManagedOSVersions. Would also be nice to do a conversion based on the browser's timezone. In any case I think it should be best to explicitly display the used timezone.

aalves08 commented 4 days ago

@anmazzotti when will operator 1.7.2 be published?