rancher / fleet

Deploy workloads from Git to large fleets of Kubernetes clusters
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[SURE-7365?] Update status fields to provide what UI needs for "resourceCount" #2115

Closed manno closed 1 week ago

manno commented 5 months ago


The old key BundleStatus.ResourceKey https://fleet.rancher.io/ref-crds#resourcekey works like this:

ResourceKey lists resources, which will likely be deployed. The actual list of resources on a cluster might differ, depending on the helm chart, value templating, etc..

The sum of all resources in bundles is stored in the GitRepo. This seems to multiply the estimate.

We want to use the accurate resource lists and counts. The BundleDeploymentStatus.Resources lists the actual deployed resources from Helm:

Resources lists the metadata of resources that were deployed according to the helm release history.

Open Questions

Possible Follow Ups:


Also see:

manno commented 3 weeks ago

This is how the resource list is propagated:

Fleet Flow - Source of Status

rubhanazeem commented 3 weeks ago

Additional QA

To address this issue we merged two PR's

  1. Populate bundle status resources from bundleDeployment status resources
  2. Use bundleDeployment to store resources in gitRepo status


  1. We aim to utilize precise resource lists and counts. Previously, in bundles, we set status.ResourceKey by running a Helm template, which did not provide the actual resources. With the refactoring introduced in the attached PRs, we now rely on the actual resources from bundle deployments, and bundle.status.ResourceKey is derived from these deployments.

  2. A similar issue existed with gitRepos, as described in point 1. Now, gitRepos also populate gitrepo.status.Resources based on actual bundle deployments.


These PRs introduced refactoring that modifies gitRepos so that gitrepo.status.Resources is now populated from bundle deployments instead of bundles. Similarly, the refactoring for bundles ensures that bundle.status.ResourceKey is populated from bundle deployments rather than by running Helm templates.


This is primarily refactoring and should not alter any behavior in Fleet.

Engineering Testing

Manual Testing

We need to confirm that bundle.status.ResourceKey has correct values, as well as gitrepo.status.Resources.

Automated Testing

We have some integration and e2e tests to check this.

mmartin24 commented 1 week ago

Test environment

Rancher v2.9-d2fa8a7d6116c48a814ee7983af522d614461e49-head with Fleet 104.0.0+up0.10.0-rc.19 Single cluster k3s with v1.28.8+k3s1

Tests done

Check 1 - Verified Clusters Ready and Resources fields contain all info expected on multiple Gitrepos


Check 2 - Bundles, Resources and Conditions are correctly populated on UI:

image image image

Check 3 - Verified bundle.status.ResourceKey and gitrepo.status.Resources have correct values


Bundles Resources for fleet-62 ```yaml k describe -n fleet-local bundles.fleet.cattle.io fleet-62-simple | tail -32 Resource Key: API Version: apps/v1 Kind: Deployment Name: frontend Namespace: default API Version: apps/v1 Kind: Deployment Name: redis-master Namespace: default API Version: apps/v1 Kind: Deployment Name: redis-slave Namespace: default API Version: v1 Kind: Service Name: frontend Namespace: default API Version: v1 Kind: Service Name: redis-master Namespace: default API Version: v1 Kind: Service Name: redis-slave Namespace: default resourcesSha256Sum: e388bede70f9b5f283bc28540505af63e40d1a7b68bdc771220c3cdb18419b39 Summary: Desired Ready: 1 Ready: 1 Unavailable: 0 Unavailable Partitions: 0 Events: ```
Bundlesdeployments Resources for fleet-62 ```yaml k describe bundledeployments.fleet.cattle.io -n cluster-fleet-local-local-1a3d67d0a899 | tail -33 Resources: API Version: apps/v1 Created At: 2024-07-08T10:33:49Z Kind: Deployment Name: frontend Namespace: default API Version: apps/v1 Created At: 2024-07-08T10:33:49Z Kind: Deployment Name: redis-master Namespace: default API Version: apps/v1 Created At: 2024-07-08T10:33:49Z Kind: Deployment Name: redis-slave Namespace: default API Version: v1 Created At: 2024-07-08T10:33:49Z Kind: Service Name: frontend Namespace: default API Version: v1 Created At: 2024-07-08T10:33:49Z Kind: Service Name: redis-master Namespace: default API Version: v1 Created At: 2024-07-08T10:33:49Z Kind: Service Name: redis-slave Namespace: default Sync Generation: 6 Events: ```
Gitrepo status resources for fleet-62 ```yaml k describe gitrepos.fleet.cattle.io -n fleet-local fleet-62 | tail -48 Resources: API Version: apps/v1 Id: default/frontend Kind: Deployment Name: frontend Namespace: default State: Ready Type: apps.deployment API Version: apps/v1 Id: default/redis-master Kind: Deployment Name: redis-master Namespace: default State: Ready Type: apps.deployment API Version: apps/v1 Id: default/redis-slave Kind: Deployment Name: redis-slave Namespace: default State: Ready Type: apps.deployment API Version: v1 Id: default/frontend Kind: Service Name: frontend Namespace: default State: Ready Type: service API Version: v1 Id: default/redis-master Kind: Service Name: redis-master Namespace: default State: Ready Type: service API Version: v1 Id: default/redis-slave Kind: Service Name: redis-slave Namespace: default State: Ready Type: service Summary: Desired Ready: 1 Ready: 1 Update Generation: 6 ```

Looking good to me.
@manno , before closing this item I just wanted to ask if we are ok with the open questions unchecked above or if there is need to be reviewed. Thank you.

mmartin24 commented 1 week ago

Commented with the team. Agreed general testing is ok and note to due later checking with Clusters and Cluster Groups. Closing issue.