rancher / fleet

Deploy workloads from Git to large fleets of Kubernetes clusters
Apache License 2.0
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Spike: OCIOps #2873

Open manno opened 2 days ago

manno commented 2 days ago

Just like GitRepo for GitOps, we want a OCI/Helm resource in Fleet to deploy Helm charts in a more direct way. Ideally this leverages OCI to the fullest.


Danil-Grigorev commented 2 days ago

This feature will be of a great value for the native integration with Cluster API. Cluster API currently leverages project https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-addon-provider-helm/ which provides resource like HelmChartProxy to deploy helm charts into CAPI clusters using generated kubeconfig for the Cluster. This resource serves as a template for helm chart installation in the cluster, and allows to manage full lifecycle of the chart.

General use-case for them, is to allow installing arbitrary workloads with a per-cluster modifications to the payload from a Helm source, where the state of the Helm chart is stored in the API server. This can be used in CNI and CCM installations for the cluster, as shown by the Calico example.

Overall requirements are described in the proposal: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/blob/main/docs/proposals/20220712-cluster-api-addon-orchestration.md, but the proposal does not cover GitOps story, allowing a room for improvement in this area as per alternatives section.

Upon initial investigation, a rough equivalent for the HelmChartProxy is the Bundle resource in Fleet, but the spec.helm section is not processed in a non GitOps based environment.

Danil-Grigorev commented 2 days ago

A rough equivalent for the calico HelmChartProxy resource is a Bundle resource, which has CAPI Cluster resource templating provided under ClusterValues automatically.

apiVersion: fleet.cattle.io/v1alpha1
kind: Bundle
  name: calico-cni
  defaultNamespace: default
    releaseName: calico
    repo: https://docs.tigera.io/calico/charts
    chart: tigera-operator
      installation: |-
          type: Calico
            type: HostLocal
          bgp: Disabled
          mtu: 1350
          ipPools: ${- range $cidr := .ClusterValues.Cluster.spec.clusterNetwork.pods.cidrBlocks }
          - cidr: "${ $cidr }"
            encapsulation: None
            natOutgoing: Enabled
            nodeSelector: all()${- end}
    clusterName: capi-quickstart

which produced correct BundleDeployment and is easy to grasp as it is 1:1 replica to the original, but is not functional due to limitation, requiring usage of fleet as a CLI to perform resource unpacking.

  deploymentID: s-ca3d163bab055381827226140568f3bef7eaac187cebd76878e0b63e9e442:fb6456765448626792c6beefc2ed116bf84cbb5e695072f715bf2a79b6f4695b
    defaultNamespace: default
      chart: tigera-operator
      releaseName: calico
      repo: https://docs.tigera.io/calico/charts
        installation: |-
            type: Calico
              type: HostLocal
            bgp: Disabled
            mtu: 1350
              cidr: ""
              encapsulation: None
              natOutgoing: Enabled
              nodeSelector: all()