rancher / k3os

Purpose-built OS for Kubernetes, fully managed by Kubernetes.
Apache License 2.0
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Is k3os still being maintained? #854

Closed Rtoax closed 2 years ago

Rtoax commented 2 years ago
 git log --format="%ci %d" | nl
     1  2021-11-24 17:05:49 -0700  (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
     2  2021-10-27 10:31:26 -0700
     3  2021-10-27 10:30:30 -0700
     4  2021-10-08 17:23:22 -0700  (tag: v0.22.2-k3s2r0)
     5  2021-10-08 16:13:44 -0700
EugenMayer commented 2 years ago

I would say https://github.com/rancher/k3os/issues/846 answers the question. But it was expected to go this way with our without SUSE.

It is what happened with rancherOS 1, rancherOS2 and k3os. I think rancher is just not as eager as they planned to maintain a micro distro as long as this would need to be done. To be honest, that is not a cool thing to do either.

I guess https://github.com/rancher/k3os/issues/846#issuecomment-1094403894= really nails it. SUSE can offer long term, what rancher was struggling with (motivation and commitment wise) and to be honest, i would rather trust SUSE with that then Rancher - Rancher has just other things it is good at, so they maybe make up a good pair here.