rancher / kim

In ur kubernetes, buildin ur imagez
Apache License 2.0
326 stars 19 forks source link

Error when installing in RKE: FATA[0000] container runtime `docker` not supported #67

Closed haim-ari closed 3 years ago

haim-ari commented 3 years ago
Rancher v2.5.9
RKE Cluster k8s version v1.20.8
kubectl version --short
Client Version: v1.21.3
Server Version: v1.20.8
❯ kim image ls
WARN[0000] Cannot find available builder daemon, attempting automatic installation...
WARN[0001] Too many nodes, please specify a selector, e.g. kubernetes.io/hostname=nj-prd-k8s-master11.mydomain.com
Error: services "builder" not found
  kim image ls [OPTIONS] [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]

  ls, list

  -a, --all        Show all images (default hides tag-less images)
      --digests    Show digests
  -h, --help       help for ls
      --no-trunc   Don't truncate output
  -q, --quiet      Only show image IDs

Global Flags:
  -x, --context string      kubeconfig context for authentication
      --debug-level int
  -k, --kubeconfig string   kubeconfig for authentication
  -n, --namespace string    namespace (default "kube-image")

FATA[0001] services "builder" not found
❯ kim builder install --selector kubernetes.io/hostname=nj-prd-k8s-master11.mydomain.com
INFO[0000] Applying node-role `builder` to `nj-prd-k8s-master11.mydomain.com`
Error: container runtime `docker` not supported
  kim builder install [OPTIONS]

      --agent-image string         Image to run the agent w/ missing tag inferred from version
      --agent-port int             Port that the agent will listen on (default 1233)
      --buildkit-image string      BuildKit image for running buildkitd (default "docker.io/moby/buildkit:v0.8.3")
      --buildkit-port int          BuildKit service port (default 1234)
      --buildkit-socket string     BuildKit socket address (default "unix:///run/buildkit/buildkitd.sock")
      --containerd-socket string   Containerd socket address (default on k3s "/run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock")
      --containerd-volume string   Containerd storage volume (default on k3s "/var/lib/rancher")
      --force                      Force installation by deleting existing builder
  -h, --help                       help for install
      --no-fail                    Do not fail if backend components are already installed
      --no-wait                    Do not wait for backend to become available
      --selector string            Selector for nodes (label query) to apply builder role

Global Flags:
  -x, --context string      kubeconfig context for authentication
      --debug-level int
  -k, --kubeconfig string   kubeconfig for authentication
  -n, --namespace string    namespace (default "kube-image")

FATA[0000] container runtime `docker` not supported
dweomer commented 3 years ago

Only the containerd runtime is supported.