rancher / kim

In ur kubernetes, buildin ur imagez
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`kim build` flags an invalid tag but proceeds to build it anyway #70

Closed ericpromislow closed 3 years ago

ericpromislow commented 3 years ago

Given the command-line

$ kim build --file ~/lab/cloudfoundry/cf-for-k8s/whoami/Dockerfile --progress tty  --tag "morspin/who am i" ~/lab/cloudfoundry/cf-for-k8s/whoami

I get this output:

WARN[0000] Failed to normalize tag `morspin/who am i` => invalid reference format
[+] Building 0.8s (16/16) FINISHED
 => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 32B

and an image like so:

<none>                           <none>                 0784436286413       2.55MB

I would prefer if kim refused to continue building the image.