I am using the local-path-provisioner with the volumeType "local". Since 0.0.29 I have the problem that the node affinity of the PV is not set. In 0.0.28 it worked correctly.
I am using rke2 (1.30.4). The PV is created as follows:
root@vm1:~# kubectl describe pv pvc-8b95ded6-dbc9-4e6c-8b7b-531c62ba28b6
Name: pvc-8b95ded6-dbc9-4e6c-8b7b-531c62ba28b6
Labels: <none>
Annotations: local.path.provisioner/selected-node: vm1
pv.kubernetes.io/provisioned-by: rancher.io/local-path
Finalizers: [kubernetes.io/pv-protection]
StorageClass: local-path
Status: Bound
Claim: default/cnpg-database-1
Reclaim Policy: Delete
Access Modes: RWO
VolumeMode: Filesystem
Capacity: 10Gi
Node Affinity:
Required Terms:
Term 0: <none>
Type: LocalVolume (a persistent volume backed by local storage on a node)
Path: /opt/local-path-provisioner/pvc-8b95ded6-dbc9-4e6c-8b7b-531c62ba28b6_default_cnpg-database-1
Events: <none>
When going back to 0.0.28, the node affinity gets set correctly.
I am using the local-path-provisioner with the volumeType "local". Since 0.0.29 I have the problem that the node affinity of the PV is not set. In 0.0.28 it worked correctly. I am using rke2 (1.30.4). The PV is created as follows:
When going back to 0.0.28, the node affinity gets set correctly.
This is my storage class